Outdoor Life
Related: About this forumCoronavirus and Outdoor Recreation
Going for a walk in the great outdoors is a great way to manage stress while social distancing.
Results are mixed over "safe" outdoor places. For example, WHYY in Philadelphia reports,
"Nature is a great place for social distancing. Its easy in a big park, like FDR or Fairmount Park, to keep six feet apart from other people, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest. And theres not a lot of surfaces touched by a lot of people in a forest."
OTOH, beware of local park closures. For example, on the West Coast, Los Angeles is closing all recreation centers. However, "Outdoor park space, amenities, golf courses and restrooms accessible to the outdoors will remain open during regular operating hours, according to a statement."
personally would not want to use common rest rooms cuz the virus is kind of sticky in those environments.
Looks as if the point is that outdoor recreation, away from most people, is a good way to break the monotony of social distancing. Check before you go cuz local areas might be closed.

(108,339 posts)but normally it is filled with people on bikes and walking on the weekends, so I go very early. The past two days--hardly anyone. Not sure what they signifies but after an extended winter, the weather is mild and great for getting out. I highly recommend it.
(27,461 posts)Time to start looking around at what needs cutting, what needs removing and what is getting ready to spring to life. I'm not worried about getting 'cabin fever' during my self-isolation.
(26,243 posts)in the 1970s! to be a back to the lander! Our 12 acres in a remote-ish mountain valley borders national forest.
Here I am on on a @ 5 mile hike to a fire lookout yesterday with my dog Jagger!
(1,713 posts)it was not as busy. I was able to workout without any close contact.
(4,999 posts)Only concern is if you get really sick fast, you're nowhere near help without walking out on your own two feet. Debating that one...
Day hikes look good for a while. Nothing like 2000' elevation gain to thin the crowds
Response to arachadillo (Original post)
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