Related: About this forumDOOM 2016
I pre-ordered this a few weeks ago and was able to down load it last night... Unlocks tonight at 10 MST. Anyone else getting it?

(20,805 posts)Nitram
(25,124 posts)Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)Ill give initial impressions as a reply to this thread tonight.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)Sweet... I've been smoking some amazing Witch Weed, a new strain at my dispensary, for a few hours now and I love this stuff. Super smacks you in the head with little to no drowsiness. We are at 60 seconds to launch and I'm going to be going into single player... I got the game but looks like I'm skipping the season pass for now as it is multi player only and I'm not sure if I'll be doing much of that... Here we go...
Fire it up and we get Bethesda and Id splash screens... Warnings... Crap... OK F'ing EULA... OK, we have Multi, campaign and snapmap... Don't know what snapmap is, so I'll skip that for now and go directly to campaign. No clue what the controls are or how this is going to go, so my first play I'm taking I'm too Young to Die... Slow load time, a good 30 seconds...
You start off chained to a bed in a room with some demons, still in cinematic, you kill the closet one, break the chains and leap off the bed to pick up a handy dandy blaster and go into control of the game. Very nice, the 'cut scene' was handled completely in engine. You then get your suit and have a nice menu of quests, inventory, codex (saves all info you learn as you go) and map. All nicely arranged with easy access and intuitive to use. You follow a hallway, killing as you go... If you run across anything to interact with, a R3 appears and you hit it to see what happens... Recordings from consoles, glory kills... Ammo and health (probably armor as well but I've not seen any yet) are auto picked up when you go near them. At the end of the hall, you get a shotgun... At the end of the small first map, you now have a basic background story... Some kind of experiment gone wrong, go kill 'em all... And finally get the DOOM intro screen... Mercifully, it only lasts a few seconds and promptly dumps you back into the game, looks like I'm moving out to the surface... Sweet!
OK, I really want to smoke another bowl and get into this for a bit before I have to good to bed, so I'm going to wrap this up...
Graphics - Holy crap, this game is beautiful, they are making the most out of the PS4 with this one. Not only that, but it's fast and smooth. Outstanding.
Gore - Yes... Yes, there is a ton of gore... That all looks awesome.
Control - The control is a bit weird... Not entirely like any other FPS but still close. I can see this being easily adapted to and easy to use.
Fun Factor - Yeah... I like killing the spawn of hell and this is making me feel like I'm playing the DOOM game I want to play, and that DOOM 3 was never able to do.
Bottom Line - So far... It is a very sweet game... At some point, I'll come back and talk about multi player and that snapmap thing.