Related: About this forumCopied from the DIII European forums (well written) and so so true
Lets see,
- rampant duping: (24 identical manticores, 1344 dps, 2 sockets, dex) in US AH. Many more examples available, and those are just the blatantly obvious ones.
- community: there is no purpose in doing the game multi player. Class synergy is minimal at best, returns are non-existent, drops remain the same, as demonstrated by the lack of popularity of public games
- brawling: we waited nearly 1 year for the PVP, which was announced in beta. Also announced in beta was team pvp. We got an unbalanced form of 1v1, without any rewards, point system, nothing
- economy: good items cost 200 mil+. A somewhat well geared player, will make around 1 million an hour, at lvl 60 with paragon 50. This means an average player would have to play 200 hours to get 1 ok item for 1 slot. Forcing RMA usage much?
- blizzard care: "every voice matters", except when you lose items or gold in the AH or RMA, or you get scammed. In that case we'll send you to our CS, which will say "sorry we can't help".
- patch testing: we waited many months for 1.07. Not only was it a very meagre patch, it was also filled with bugs (dropping demonic essences? Dying in town after pvp match? Oops ..)
- itemisation: itemisation is still as bland as at launch. There are no items which enable new styles of play, never mind new building set-ups. Bland, stale, and uninspired.
- class balance: what? nah.
- front-page updates: the front-page is littered with all kinds of stuff, except actual content related updates. Bake a D3 pie! Draw a D3 avatar! Who is your favorite archangel! ... dupes? nah blizzard ignores those. AH / RMA crashes? Nah we don't post on that. Bake a pie plz.
And now we hear D3 is coming to consoles, with an offline mode!
Can you take the piss harder on your customers, blizzard? Really, can you?
I think it would be very hard.

(29,047 posts)Why is that bad?
(26,467 posts)who made Diablo 1 & 2 and split off to form Runic Games.