Related: About this forumWho is playing World of Warcraft these days?
I prefer Horde and I'm thinking of starting up again and checking out the new expansion pack.
Would like to be on a server to quest with other DUers or perhaps we could all move to a brand new server that is near full.

(37,468 posts)I can't get up the enthusiasm to start again. Good luck with finding other DU'ers.
(63,444 posts)I get a sick feeling anytime I consider playing again. And now with the crazy panda garbage, I don't think I'll ever play again.
It's as if blizzard recycles the same stuff over and over just with different themes.
(2,918 posts)giving me a free mount, early access to Pandaria and Diablo 3 for free. After building 8 level 85's since Cataclysm, a lil burnt out at the moment. Will probably change when Pandaria goes live.
(39,961 posts)on Horde, and have a Human Paladin Tank, Night Elf Warrior Tank and a Draenei Enhancement/healer Shaman on the Alliance side.
I haven't played in a while, but I've considered starting back up. The only thing stopping me is that GW2 is coming, and I am going to be playing that, since I liked the first one.
(39,191 posts)but I'm playing auction house on DIII right now.
(20,924 posts)I'll definitely be on for the expansion, if just to check it out. I'm in a guild with a small group of friends but they're rarely on anymore and wouldn't mind banding up with some people who are on a little more often.
(5,909 posts)Definitely getting expansion pack.
(19,158 posts)I'm bifactional so either one is fine to me
and I've pre-purchased the expansion, digital edition
(95,337 posts)I'm Horde and I'm on Aggramar with my level 85 Undead Priest but I think that server is dying and would be willing to move to the right location.
(2,918 posts)with a 50/50 split between alliance/horde. Things may have changed since then.
(19,158 posts)RiffRandell
(5,909 posts)I think it's pretty populated, and I would be willing to start new ones on other servers. Let me know; I've been playing more and usually solo. Could be fun!
(37,468 posts)Last edited Tue Sep 4, 2012, 08:09 PM - Edit history (1)
I'm on Nordrassil, Alliance, but I can play Horde too.
eta: same server, Level 54 Tauren Druid, Level 85 arms warrior.
(95,337 posts)I ended up staying on Aggramar and moved my lvl50 hunter there too (I have a level 85 Undead Priest).
The server is picking up and I'm making good money at the AH. The guild I was in is still active and is lvl 25, which is about as high as you can get for a guild so lots of bonus stuff. Plus the guild is about 90% grownups so the guild chat isn't annoying.
If anyone wants to start a horde character on Aggramar just PM me.
I know we talked about starting our own DU Guild but honestly, it's better to just move into a guild that has a high rating so we can get all the bonus features.
I really don't do alliance. I think after playing horde as long as I have I find the alliance to be all 'idiots'. I mean I know they aren't but it's like asking me, a Philadelphia Eagles fan, to cheer on the Dallas Cowboys. Can't see it happening. But I suppose if there were alot of DUers in the same server on alliance that perhaps I could find it in my heart to level an alliance character.
(37,468 posts)I'm at level 59, so it will take several days.
(95,337 posts)And I have plenty of cash if you need to stock up on some good equipment
(37,468 posts)1- I'm trying to break my addiction to keyboard turning, so I'm not as fast as mousers typically are.
2- I'm not fast enough in dungeons, tied to problem #1.
If you can cope with my slowness during the addiction rehab (lol), we have a deal
(95,337 posts)I won't tank simply because I'm not one of those jumpy all over the place kinda players.
(37,468 posts)I'll let you know when it's complete.
(39,961 posts)and I tank. I'll do it.
I need to know which side, though. I have an 85 geared horde tank, and an 85 geared human
paladin tank.
Forgot - I have an 80 geared NE Warrior tank on Feathermoon (obviously Alliance), and I can transfer and level, her, too. Just depends on which tank you like
(37,468 posts)Response to LynneSin (Original post)
uriel1972 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,261 posts)but I am ambivalent. I tend to burn out at lvl 65 and quit for a few months. I tend to solo because of time constraints and the fear that I am not very good and will let others down.
I have a 65 tauren pally I could transfer with about 2k in cash and start over again on Agrammar, but I don't know if I would be welcome. My confidence is very low. I don't pvp and prefer healer types but play the solo friendly types out of necessity ie pallies
(19,158 posts)I'm in a guild but I don't know them or do anything with them, I was just tired of being spammed with constant automated "dood, join our guild" whispers. I've solo'ed my way to level 73 somehow... I'll probably just start over with a panda or something.
(37,468 posts)You might want to talk to LynneSin via PM about our guild. So far the guild seems nice enough. I haven't done any raids or dungeons with them yet. We're on Aggramar.
(16,998 posts)I feel like I have to start from scratch to get the rhythm of how to play a character.
Maybe that was their intent...
(2,921 posts)And I'm wondering even in this stage of the game, is it even worth it for me to join as a noob?
(5,264 posts)and see if you like it.
I'll probably be going back to it and playing again next month. I suppose I'll have to get the expansion to do that, though.
(2,243 posts)Sentath#1485
I like Horde too, but my local group is almost exclusively Alliance (bleh)
(16 posts)Excellent game, even after all these years.
(726 posts)...playing. I have both Alliance and Horde people. While I can't transfer, I would be more than willing to do cross-server dungeons or PvP. My 90 Horde is a Tauren Holy Paladin.
PM me if you could use my services.
P.S. Except for PvP, I'm not well geared since I've not completed any dungeons.
(39,961 posts)are a tank's best friend. They are awesome healers for those taking the pain
(726 posts)A big thank you, too, for those tanks who take care of their healers. I try my best even though we've been nerfed so much.
I'm bringing up some Monk healers also, the highest of which is now 76. As I knew would happen, Blizz took away from them, too. What is with Blizzard and their seeming dislike for the healing classes?
(10,129 posts)My horde guild on Dragonmaw server was pretty much dead anyway, and my 85 Alli on Dmaw had nobody to run with either. I still get the "pangs" of regret, thinking I can swing getting MoP and grinding all my 85s up to 90 but really probably cant do that until at least January.