Related: About this forumI've come to the conclusion that DIII isn't as good as DII, by a long shot
DII, patches were few and far between. DIII, every week. Christ, they've been working on this game since 2008. They did extensive beta (demo) testing and they didn't see the issues they are desperately patching? The graphics are better, so what. I think, when its all said and done, I'll have stopped playing long before the game releases an expansion. I payed DII from 200o till Guild Wars in 2005. I doubt I'll be playing this next year. There is so much outrage in the forums they are basically trying to ban everyone. But the low-rent hall monitors will lose in the end. DIII, nice try, bad sequel. How amazing in this day and age they fuck up a franchise like this.

(110,159 posts)hubby still obsessing on skyrim and gears 3 but kids want to buy this for his bday. is it worth buying? you are the second one to post this, though you are even harsher on critique
(39,191 posts)I have played DIII since it's release last month. I have one character at level 51 in Hell (playing a couple hours a day) and the max is level 60/Inferno.
Once it's done, what's the point? you play the game over each time you advance to the next level, there's NO variety, NO massive maps to explore, NO replay value, just the same characters and same places . It took me OVER a year of casually playing WOW to get one character to 83.
Wait for Guild Wars 2 I think it will be far more enjoyable.
(110,159 posts)dionysus
(26,467 posts)i remember 1&2 being longer games. the deal with Diablo is once you beat it on normal difficuly, it unlocks a harder difficulty, but with better in-game goodies, to get you to play through it multiple times before you can consider yourself beating the game. it's fun and addictive.
unlke the others, you have to be logged in to the internet to play, so to even launch it it loads patches, it's always updating itself. lot's of updates. but it is worth playing, especially if someone has played the first two.
(110,159 posts)we might as well buy it for him. he will eventually buy it anyway.
he liked borderland. is it kinda like that?
maybe not but it seemed like he was continually having to do the same thing. i dont play the games
(26,467 posts)arrows, magic spells. he'll like it.
(39,191 posts)The storyline is weak, the replay value sucks at best, and at least with World of Warcraft, you have a HUGE landscape to play in. This isn't even the equivalent of one act in WOW.
The word will get out. You can't make a pig fly unless you shoot him out of a cannon. And without PVP, or single player it's dead by the end of the year.
(26,467 posts)i think the engine and gameplay is good, but overall the game was way too short. add more levels, some expansion packs, and it's not so bad...
bu then again i like to play a game, "beat it", then move onto another. I'm still playing Fallout 3, i'm on the 4th expansion pack. not THAT is a good game...
(110,159 posts)gotta understand, i know computer games and use, from what i see.... lol, and not what i know from experience. but, he has been playing skyrim forever. down there playing now. and gears of war forever.... lol, on line. it took him forever to do red dead redemption. he wants to do all things in the game.
thanks for the info
no Duke Nukem. this i know. lol. he already had a conversation with me about that game.
(24,096 posts)but it does get a bit frustrating - as expected tho. I know D2 was like that for me at certain points - just have to keep plugging away and find other things to amuse yourself for a while - like playing in the Auction House, or switching to another class and eventually have then all at the same level to share some good finds.
The one huge complaint I have isn't so much about game play but the fact that you can't get a 'private game' in that your friends can PM you while you are afk and you can easily miss it. That is realllllly annoying to me - I wish there was an away or something besides having to log off from the game, which I often forget to do because I work in the background and do other things while I'm playing.
Super annoying too is to accumulate all these 'friends' on my list that I don't know from a freaking hole in the ground and I can't get rid of them. These are people that you have gone into public games with and are automatically listed. Maybe there is an options set up to fix that or something, but I haven't found it yet.
So, I still really enjoy playing except for those things.
(39,191 posts)up in the right corner of the screen there is an away switch
And everyone I played with is ignored once the game is over, problem solved. I hate that they are trying to make DIII blizzard's version of Facebook. They shut off the always on chat function after the howls.
(24,096 posts)I never noticed that before!
so when you say you 'ignore' the new game players list, you just don't look at them? heh,
or you have a way to wipe them off totally because eventually we are going to have every player on the America server listed, aren't we?
I would like to get rid of them altogether - like I care about jizasdq enough to remember him or his sister auujdnnq488. ugh. where are the bobs and the janes.
and you are right about this forcing us like children to play together as the default. I absolutely hate that part.
Still like most of the other parts tho.
(6,257 posts)My biggest problem is the lack of randomized quests and areas. It seems like everything is the same, even on the higher difficulties. The thing I loved about DI was the random nature of it, and that was still there to some extent in DII, but it's gone now in DIII. Honestly, I haven't played in about a month.
(39,191 posts)it is going horribly wrong. When customers are turning it off after a month, not a good sign.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)All my characters are still in normal and it seems as though most of the character customization is going to be occurring in inferno. I'm still playing around with skills, trying to see what stats make them better (most are obvious but not all) and which skill work well together. Plus, I've only scratched the surface of hardcore.
Patches... Blizzard was up to 1.07 within a year of D2's release and is up to what now... 13? 14? When the game has as much variety of skills, items and characters, you could spend forever trying to get the balance right... And you will still not have it. There comes a time when you have to release it and then either continue to make it better or not. Most games of this genre get little to no support after release and always end up with wildly un-balanced stuff/bugs in it that never gets fixed. At least Blizzard keeps working on it.
They are definitely doing a shit job of handling people that have problems, they always have. Anything they do not feel like talking about simply gets deleted. I guess thats OK if they don't want posts that are just rants about much they suck but when D3 was released and it screwed Vista people, simply deleting everything with the word 'Vista' in it is stupid. I know when I went there to see if there was a fix and saw them all disappearing, I did not even bother to post.
I expect at loads of server side tweaks to the game and at least two more patches before the expansion and another two in the first few months after the expansion. I don't know... As long as future patches stop resetting my play/display options, they don't bother me. I still think I'll be playing this for a long time.
(26,467 posts)
(2,918 posts)Free mini updates every few months along with major expansions that can be purchased. The story seems incomplete, otherwise. I hope I'm not mistaken.