Details emerge in Adrian Peterson child abuse case: ‘I’m all tearing that butt up when needed’

Details emerge in Adrian Peterson child abuse case: Im all tearing that butt up when needed
Tom Boggioni
13 Sep 2014
Police in Houston have released further details regarding their arrest of NFL running back Adrian Peterson on child abuse charges, including Petersons admission that he beat his 4-year-old son with a switch, according to CBS Houston.
Peterson was booked into the Montgomery County Texas Jail early Saturday morning, after being allowed into the jail through a side entrance, to be processed and have his mugshot taken. Peterson reportedly posted $15,000 bond and left the facility thirty minutes later.
According to authorities, Peterson beat his 4-year-old son with a tree branch this summer because the child pushed one of his other children off of a motorbike video game.
As punishment Peterson reportedly struck the child repeatedly with a tree branch which he called a switch after stripping the leaves off of it.
Will the NFL have the balls to suspend this abusive jerk? Stay tuned for updates.