Automobile Enthusiasts
Related: About this forumthe new Toyota 900+ mile battery?
"From there, a second, more advanced solid-state battery is expected to hit the market sometime after 2028. Toyota expects it to offer 50% more range than that 2026 lithium-ion pack, suggesting a driving range on the order of 932 miles." from link below

(37,549 posts)what do need to charge it in ten minutes a 500 amp service?
(8,510 posts)and it's lightweight, new plant being built in Colorado.
Silicon Anode battery technology
Highest Energy Density Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries in the World!
(35,078 posts)Right now hybrids seem the best bet.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)It takes more than that in my experience.
Alexander Of Assyria
(7,839 posts)saves!?? Wont buy!!
Range is not the issue, the issue is a Revolution requires a revolutionary new way of mass thinking
not there yet!
This advancement is inevitable, gas vehicles are already dinosaurs!
(16,286 posts)Less than 3 amp hours (similar to an alkaline AA battery).
On edit:
In theory, you could charge thousands of cells (in parallel) in the same time. In practice, there are additional challenges, including the one that started this subthread, "What is the required ampacity of the charging circuit?"
(8,510 posts)Here is a demonstration
(16,286 posts)Now, a full size car battery, made from thousands of these cells (as is the custom) may charge nearly as quickly, but the test that yielded those numbers was a single cell.
But, none of this answers doc03's question about the ampacity of the charging circuit. All else being equal, faster charges will require higher rated circuits, but just how big?
I didn't watch the videos - did they test charge times for a full-size battery?
(275 posts)the best path to wide acceptance. It would have reduced gasoline usage by a large amount. It cuts tailpipe emissions since most trips would be on battery, provide better range, and works for those that tow a lot (while providing a torque boost to reduce fuel use). The blind drive for fully electric vehicles with out a complimentary infrastructure upgrade, which would require nuclear generation to meet the demand, is self defeating. I'm interested to see how the Tacoma Hybrid works out. I love my Taco and if it can rate the same towing capacity it will definitely be on the radar.
(35,078 posts)Until then, good luck. High tech batteries are very expensive and do need to be replaced. I'm sure they will work it out, someday.
(15,013 posts)around town stuff and the gas/electric when I want to make a long trip.
To me it's the best of both worlds..
Alexander Of Assyria
(7,839 posts)when battery packs so powerful can drive coast to coast! The potential is unlimited!
(2,105 posts)Aviation Pro
(14,060 posts)They are partnered with Toyota.
(35,078 posts)average 55 mpg now. Just a nice ride.
(15,013 posts)My rule of thumb is sitting in the car with my feet on the pavement
are my hips above my knees? If so I'm golden. Below that it's a struggle.
(35,078 posts)I have no problem and I'm 73 years old 6'3" and about 200 lbs and it very comfortable for me. 2016 on up.
(15,013 posts)fine but it "only" got 38 mpg on a good day and was slower than shit going up hill in a Florida summer.
Now the new Prius get's 45-50 mpg, Looks FANTASTIC! and has 200 HP! Sign me up!
(35,078 posts)Not many hills all and very comfortable. I love it and thinking about the RAV hybrid for me some day.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)Toyota has a next-generation lithium-ion battery pack in the works for 2026 that will give future vehicles up to 621 miles of range, double that of its current bZ4X electric SUV. It's slated to cost 20% less than existing batteries and be capable of going from 10 to 80% charge in just 20 minutes.
That would be wonderful!
(1,242 posts)because to me 450 miles is driving 9 hours. That's plenty of driving for me in one day.
450 mile range in the Winter would be 650 miles when the temperatures are warm (?) Does that seem reasonable/
(8,510 posts)Alexander Of Assyria
(7,839 posts)Think. Again.
(21,646 posts)RicROC
(1,242 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,153 posts)Call me skeptical. All this transportation has eclipsed "Go local!"
(8,510 posts)sl8
(16,286 posts)Toyota to Offer High Performance Solid-State Batteries in 2020
29 Dec 2014, 10:56 UTC By: Gabriel Brindusescu
(16,286 posts)Toyota claims solid-state EV battery tech breakthrough could offer +900 miles driving range
Peter Johnson | Jun 13 2023 - 8:11 am PT
Miguelito Loveless
(4,836 posts)and affordable, commercial production.