Related: About this forumgood morning. i have decided it's time to write that book.
so, i am the sort of person who has reinvented themselves many times. i just turned 65, and think i might be on my last reinvention.
i have a definition of a life well lived, for me.
raise one child, build one building and write one book.
i think everyone should write their own story. i am blessed w a genetic heritage of words. i sing my people's song. irish, irish, irish, irish. my dad was a great story teller, all us kids got high test scores in language, all my kids are great readers and writers. so i feel my tools are sharp enough.
as it happens, in my trials of mmj, i find that the best strains poke me in my language centers. not just word choices, but spelling and typing w more ease and speed. so, yeah, carpe this diem.
my first decision is which life to write about. like i said, i have had many, and many contain good stories w/in them.
i thought you might get a chuckle out of my first day's work product as i sort through this dilemma.
to my mothers everlasting regret, my father infected me at a very early age w the ability to believe in dreams.
book 1- i sing my peoples song. an irish, irish, irish girl gets her irish up.
book 2- moahs ark. another chapter in the book of crones.
book 3- punky the monster puppy, an illustrated childrens book.
book 4-i have fallen for a data point in the demise of civiilzation.
book 5- once there was a noodle man
book 6- the quirky sculpture and heroic paintings of artist mo cahill
book 7- a series- a sweet old lady commits crimes of righteous indignation, but is never caught.
book 8- a series- an old lady gets a chance to redeem her goodie 2shoes youth. books include- mind blowing sex after 60, mico and aunt maureen, at the old hippies home.
that first sentence is something i wrote in my head many years ago, and filed away to be the first sentence of this book.

(36,217 posts)Reminds me a bit of Frank McCourt.
Good luck with your writing, and I hope you let us all know when you get published! I for one would love to read your work!
(72,174 posts)love love love.
reading his books really put me in the mind of looking at my roots. w pride.
i am a nerd. i love genetics, and human behavior, and the intersection of same.
and at my age, i am assessing myself through the lens of, who were my people way back, who were my immediate people, and who are my kids.
i can claim anything common to all that w pride, and zero bragging.
the gifts of age.
(3,988 posts)here's to hoping you find a kind editor that will just fix it for you.
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mopinko This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,988 posts)Sorry.
sorry, you got the stock answer.
(8,147 posts)I think #8 becomes a movie. All ideas sound good. Have a great time whatever you decide to write.
(72,174 posts)thx.
Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)and you've shared some choice anecdotes about it here over the years.
Whatever you choose, good luck and I'll be there at your book signing.
(72,174 posts)i could have a collection of essays from my fb page together in pretty short order. good to know what it takes to get you to come out!
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