Trump's mindset: The Curious Case of Dalia Dippolito
Trump's behavior when it comes to believing that he can win people over, convince them of anything if only he can appeal to them directly, is similar to the traits exhibited by convicted criminal Dalia Dippolito. Dippolito was caught on video arranging a hit on her husband. Unbeknownst to her, the man she was hiring was an undercover police officer. A sting operation intercepted her when she raced back to her home after receiving a call that her husband had just been assassinated.
Prior to that, she had pressured her husband to sign over to her ownership of their house. She had also made anonymous phone calls to the police accusing her own husband of drug dealing, trying to set him up to get him arrested and thrown in prison. When that didn't work, she decided to have him killed.
Her interrogation is remarkable. She tells her interrogator, in effect, "You didn't see what you saw on that tape. the tape is lying." When she was provided her one phone call she called her husband, the man she'd just tried to have killed, and demanded to see him in person, because she believed, if she could just be alone with him, she could convince him of her innocence. Her husband had seen the surveillance video, and in spite of that Dippolito believed: If I can just talk to him face to face, I can manipulate him and win him over, like I've won everybody over all my life.
She is a textbook example of a narcissistic psychopath.