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Date: 1942-01-15

Date: 1942-04-03
In case you need to catch up on smiles & giggles.......
Wednesday carTOONS
Tuesday carTOONS
Monday carTOONS

(10,147 posts)
(159,692 posts)murielm99
(31,745 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)planetc
(8,448 posts)2naSalit
(95,921 posts)Abolishinist
(2,271 posts)Always hard to pick a favorite, but I'm leaning toward this one...
bikes and bunnies
(99 posts)He loves Trump:
Do we think the MSM is responsible for a white Republican male shooting Trump, allegedly because the MSM is allegedly hammering home the allegedly ridiculous idea that Trump is Hitler? (See Simpsons "inspired" cartoon by Stiglich, above.)
Do we love us some Trump around here? No?
Then why platform right wing pro-Trump Tom Stiglich?
His cartoons are never funny- because right wingers are never funny.
Why? Because they're liars- about everything.
And lies are not funny.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)Clay Bennett, Clay Jones, Mike Luckovich, or Rob Rogers? Have a rebuttal?
bikes and bunnies
(99 posts)Hi KS,
In addition to stating that Stiglich is MAGA, I criticized the content of this specific Stiglich cartoon, which falsely implies that the MSM is responsible for the attempted assassination of Trump, by allegedly repeating over and over, a la Bart Simpson at the chalkboard, the supposedly false narrative that Trump is the equivalent of Hitler.
In other words, Stiglich is ridiculing the idea that Trump's Hitlerian rhetoric poses a threat to our democracy, and ridiculing the MSM for allegedly repeating Trump/Hitler comparisons ad nauseam. I disagree with both premises of the cartoon, because Trump IS comparable to Hitler, and the MSM is NOT doing its job of focusing on the danger Trump's fascist MAGA movement poses to all of us.
Do you see my point, KS?
If any other cartoonist you mentioned had drawn that right wing message, my response would have been the same. The examples by Clay Jones, Rogers, and Hall that you provided are not right wing cartoons in the same vein as Stiglich's Simpson's cartoon. The Jones and Rogers cartoons ridicule J.D. Vance- not the MSM- for flip flopping from Vance's earlier, correct view of Trump as Hitlerian. And the Hall cartoon correctly illustrates Trump's admiration for the fawning obeisance that Hitler and other dictators have obtained from their cult followers. Your counter examples are not right wing cartoons. They are truthful- and funny.
Thanks for all the other great cartoons you've posted. I hope you don't think I'm ungrateful.
I'm just pointing out something you may have missed.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)People who appreciate all the work that goes into publishing these leave nice comments for me to
read or hit the recommend button, you have never done either ever have you?
But yet you feel you have the right to : Hey let's make this guy look small & uneducated because he
can't see the true meaning of the cartoon because only I the great and powerful bikes & bunnies have
the correct interpretation.
And let's do it on his page so that everyone on DU knows he has no idea which way cartoonists lean.
You did not ask me what I knew about him did you? No you had to instruct me "Hey stupid look at this
that you're obviously unaware of.
ie: "Do you see my point, KS? " No your ramblings don't make any sense to me at all, but I could be
wrong you might be embarking on a great new career as a cartoon critic, IMO you missed the whole
point he was making, my interpretation.
"If any other cartoonist you mentioned had drawn that... my response would have been the same."
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.I've posted several of his cartoons in the past, about one
every 6 months and will continue to do so as I see fit. See the number of page views for this? Seems
you're the only one that has an issue with it.
bikes and bunnies
(99 posts)Too bad you can't accept constructive feedback without getting bent out of shape.
You asked for a rebuttal, and I gave you one. It does seem that you missed the point of the cartoon, but I was not condescending towards you in my rebuttal.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)Too bad you can't accept maybe you messed up talking down to a fellow human being.
Too bad you can't accept that your opinion on a subject is not the only one known to man.
Too bad you can't accept the fact you have projection down real good.
Too bad you can't accept the fact that you are condescending, just more projection.
Did you not imply I had no idea who he was and gave me a link to go educate myself because you
knew deep down in your heart I must be stupid? That was condescending and hurt me.
Is there any cartoons I post you enjoy or do you think it's best to get your approval first?
(229,763 posts)