Related: About this forumTribe by Sebastian Junger
Were I dictator of North America I'd make every single person on the continent read this book.
It's hard to sum up. The subtitle is "On Homecoming and Belonging."
Essentially it's about how humans are hard wired to connect. That we have powerful bonds with our group, our tribe. That we connect in essential ways that keep individuals from gaming the system. That we will freely share what we acquire when we hunt and gather. That we are tuned to how the members of our tribe behave, and in our original state (back when we lived in much smaller groups) those who gamed the system were quickly found out and chastised or punished, and such chicanery didn't last.
It is more essay than a book. And I found that it left me profoundly re-thinking my take on the recent election and my resulting opinion of those who voted for Trump.
It talks a LOT about war, and the integration of the warrior to his home group (not Junger's term, but I'm at a loss for something better).
All I can say is that everyone should read this book. Everyone. Especially if you voted earlier this month, or if you didn't, if you feel you have a vested interest in the outcome. If we could all alter our thinking about what it matters to be human, to be part of the human tribe, there would be a very good chance we could come together.
Please read it.

(124,925 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,430 posts)Don't get me wrong. I'm a peacenik from way back. Junger himself has not been a soldier, but he's been on the front lines as a journalist and totally gets it.
One of the crucial things he talks about is the front line being close to everyday life. Read it. Please. I was transformed, and I think you may be also.
And even if you're not transformed, you'll still gain an understanding we all need to have.
(124,925 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,532 posts)Sounds like an interesting read. Goes in the queue (the long, long queue ...).
(21,044 posts)I've been thinking a lot about who and what we are and what makes us human. This should fit right in. I'm 33rd on my library hold list for Tribe. We aren't the only ones trying to figure it out.
(27,430 posts)you will find Tribe to be an affirmation of your thinking.
This is one of those books that has changed my thinking.