Related: About this forumWhat Fiction are you reading this week, Jan. 10, 2021?

Old Baggage by Lissa Evans is a really great story. It's a funny and bittersweet portrait of a woman in the 1920s who has never given up the fight for equality. In light of what's happening in our country right now, it's quite thought-provoking. Voters' rights, protests, fascists, the power of the media; they're all in there.
Peace Like a River was Leif Enger's debut novel. It's quite a stunner. Taking place in very rural Minnesota and the Dakotas in the early 1960s, some things happen that might really get your blood boiling. I wanted to jump right into the story and punch someone, and I'm an old peacenik. Heckuva tale.
I did want to say that I got The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency first season DVDs from the library and they are absolutely marvelous. Laughter and tears. Highly recommend.
What books would you recommend, or not, this week?

(2,526 posts)At over, 900 pages, it should keep me busy for a few days. Though, the first 100 pages went by quickly.
that sounds really good. A breathtaking, labyrinthine epic; mystery/thriller.
(64,188 posts)Just started it. Appears Stephanie & Grandma are still chasing the treasure & trying to figure out the significance of the keys.
Finishing Hiaasen's "Tourist Season), a bit graphic for my taste, tbh.
(8,781 posts)She should keep you busy for a while with 47 novels. And then there's all the ones she co-authored.
(64,188 posts)I think I need more Hiaasen type humor.
(8,781 posts)There's a cozy author you might like, Hannah Dennison.
(64,188 posts)
The King of Prussia
(746 posts)It's quite jolly, but I just can't focus on reading. The situation in most of the country is appaling - but fortunately not here - yet. Cases here were substantially higher at the start of November and there are signs that lockdown is causing a downtown. We, again, aren't leaving the house.
Stay safe DU readers - Joe & Kamala are coming!
(14,138 posts)The corum series after 34 years reading the series first time.
(10,453 posts)
I'm thrilled to see two of my favorite books in your OP this week. Hope they have provided a diversion from the recent unpleasantness in our country. I am about 3/4 of the way through Lydia Millet's book, A Children's Bible.
(from amazon)
Contemptuous of their parents, who pass their days in a stupor of liquor, drugs, and sex, the children feel neglected and suffocated at the same time. When a destructive storm descends on the summer estate, the groups ringleadersincluding Eve, who narrates the storydecide to run away, leading the younger ones on a dangerous foray into the apocalyptic chaos outside.
As the scenes of devastation begin to mimic events in the dog-eared picture Bible carried around by her beloved little brother, Eve devotes herself to keeping him safe from harm.
A Childrens Bible is a prophetic, heartbreaking story of generational divideand a haunting vision of what awaits us on the far side of Revelation.
This is an unusual story and I'm not quite sure where it's going. The characters, at least the younger ones, are quite endearing although they seem more mature than the children, tweens, teens I know. The adults are pretty disgusting and I'm happy to say that I don't know many like these either, though from my reading, I know people like these really exist.
(8,781 posts)or disturbing.
Always happy to see you, my dear.