Unions Win $80 Million Overtime Pay Settlement For Indian Health Service Workers
By Doug Cunningham
The Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) , NFFE and AFGE Local 3601 have won an $80 million grievance over overtime pay for 10,000 workers at the Indian Health Service. The unions filed the grievance back in 2008. The workers were mistakenly exempted from overtime pay laws. The Indian Health Service is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. By winning the grievance the unions are forcing the Indian Health Service to pay $80 million to resolve claims for current and former employees who were illegally denied overtime pay. The Fair Labor Standards Act requires overtime pay for non-exempt employees, including the choice of whether to take overtime pay or compensatory time for overtime hours worked. LIUNA General President Terry OSullivan says its a great victory that took many years of hard work to get a fair solution for the workers, who provide health care to Native Americans.

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