Reservation Deaths: Feds to re-examine Pine Ridge cases (AP via Native Times)
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) – The U.S. Attorney’s Office in South Dakota will re-examine a list of nearly 40 deaths that Oglala Sioux tribal officials say were insufficiently prosecuted or investigated, U.S. Attorney Brendan Johnson said Thursday.
Johnson’s statements came after Oglala Sioux Vice President Tom Poor Bear and council judiciary committee chairman James Toby Big Boy sent a list of 39 specific deaths on or near the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The two men believe the cases should be reopened or reinvestigated. They had earlier sent a letter to Johnson but had not included the list of names.
“We’ve got the list now. I’m grateful to have the list,” Johnson told the AP Thursday. “We’ll go through those cases. If there are cases we can prosecute, we certainly will. Even if the case is 30 years old, if we get the information necessary, we will prosecute.”
However, Johnson said it would be challenging to gain enough new information to prosecute cases that are several decades old.
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