Related: About this forumAnd now I'm 78. Jeez. I didn't think I'd live this long.
As a fighter pilot in my 20s I figured I'd go down in a blaze of glory(?) somehow or another. It wasn't that hard to do back then. I lost some friends.
Don't misunderstand, I'm glad I did make it this far. I got to see and enjoy my daughter and my son-in-law and experience their perfect wedding. ($$$$
And be with my grandson and granddaughter.
Miz t and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary this year with a trip to Savannah.
Savannah is like New Orleans, but for grown ups.
Beautiful city and great restaurants.
When you're 78 and you read about people dying at 77 and 78 and 79 you start to wonder.
When does my number come up?
I feel OK. A few minor health issues, but controlable by pharmaceuticals (more than I would like).
So I am at 78, still perkin' along, long past my predicted sell by date.

(42,649 posts)As a near baby of 68, to be 78 seems unimaginably.....seasoned.
My daughter asked what I consider to be old. I said that for me, "old" is like the horizon that can be seen but never reached.
(54,273 posts)There's just no way around that.
The average life expectancy for a white male in my county is 75.6 years.
So I'm already past my due date.
(36,837 posts)The male expectancy age is lower only because some men serve in the military (or else they live recklessly) and die young. But everyone who's made it past the danger point can expect to live to a ripe old age.
I hope you have many good years left, trof.
(2,555 posts)Never bet against old people
Not only do you usually lose, but it seems a bit rude, as well.
Wishing you and your perfect partner many more healthy, happy years.
(27,430 posts)Especially if you take care of yourself.
And you are confusing life expectancy at birth with life expectancy was you've lived however many years. In fact, at this age your life expectancy is another 9 plus years. So no, you are not past your due date. Really, you aren't.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,047 posts)What you need to look at is expectancy for somebody age 78. If you get to 78, you've proven you've got more of what it takes to survive than people who only got to 72 or only to 32 or 12.
(7,629 posts)who doesn't smoke and is relatively healthy can expect to live until 84 on average.
And those who live until 84, can expect on average to live until 92.5.
So given he is 78, and I hope don't smoke, the numbers suggest he might easily be able to live another 14 years or more.
Which I mean 14 years doesn't feel like a long time, but to make it to the 90s is a pretty good life.'s always too short! I long for the days when we live hundreds of years healthy.
(8,092 posts)I wish you many many more years.
I'm 77. I have seen many younger friends gone too soon and wonder how I survived.
Good for you!!
(54,273 posts)On the green side of the turf, so to speak.
(114,020 posts)trof
(54,273 posts)trof = the retired old fart.
What does blm = ?
(114,020 posts)bushlvsmoonies at bartcop and mwo, but, I nicked myself as blm. I was trying to highlight the fact that Rev Moons media empire was directing a large part of the propaganda being used against Democrats and against democracy. FOX was broadcasting news reports that usually traced back to Moons publications.
My guess is black liberal male.
Arkansas Granny
(31,944 posts)High school reunions next month, my brother's 60th, my 55th. They're a day apart so we're attending both together. It should be interesting. We've neither one kept track of classmates. I'm taking my Senior yearbook and will get new autographs.
(15,805 posts)certainly improves your life expectancy. Couple that with a closely aligned support network of loving family, furbabies and dear friends, and you're beating the odds.
Older folks can easily fall into the downward spiral of illnesses, loneliness and depression. For many of us it's a constant struggle to fight off that deadly trap.
Live long and prosper.
(23,946 posts)Moostache
(10,364 posts)Once you're past the proverbial "sell by date", its all gravy, so enjoy every minute!
Here's to many more trips around the burning ball of gas that warms us all!
(3,882 posts)KT2000
(21,254 posts)In the town where I live you would be considered a kid! Happy Birthday!
(10,453 posts)come. I'm in my upper 60s and never thought I would last this long! In my earlier life, I never thought much about aging. Now that I am aged, I think about it a lot. I don't ever want to be a burden to anyone and hope I have my affairs in order to avoid that. I don't want to suffer pain and prolonged medical issues and I hope that I have planned for that as well. In this day and age, you can't be too sure.
(5,360 posts)I'm pushing 60. I look at pictures of my parents when they were my age and they took so old. I don't look 30 but I look quite a bit younger than they did at my age.
That said, I've had a much easier life than they did.
Anyway, happy happy birthday and happy Anniversary to you and your beloved.
To better days for us all.
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)
(29,033 posts)Went there in April, absolutely loved it. I plan to try and get back.
(54,273 posts)It's a fun retro circa 50s/60s motel.
Free coffee and Krispy Kreme donuts every morning.
(162,408 posts)I think the great Mae West said that
I did finally quit smoking 3-4 years ago.
(162,408 posts)I know it's hard, I smoked for 30 years but now I don't even think about it.....although, I do still love the smell of tobacco smoke
(43,474 posts)Savanah is beautiful, like Charleston and New Orleans, wonderful cities!
(32,109 posts)She loved it and loved discussing it after. Age is relative as long as you stay engaged. Happy to hear health issues are minor. Best wishes you keep them that way.
(54,273 posts)Man, that last 5 minutes if SEVERE.
(32,109 posts)if he wanted a blow job.
I was with Mom, you know ...
But as we were walking out of the theater, I was thinking the ending was kind of satisfying. Where else do you ever see the Manson Family get the crap beat out of them? It was happy ending, all things considered.
(54,273 posts)I'd have felt the same way.
(15,177 posts)I'm happy for you, particularly since you're still in good health. That is a good thing.

(52,275 posts)We have so much more to do
(49,931 posts)and I tend to keep track of the ages of when my ancestors died. I have now outlived my parents and both sets of grandparents. I also noticed the ages of when famous people died. Clearly I've reached my expiration date, but many things can go past their expiration date, right?
Congratulations on reaching 78! Hopefully we'll live long enough to see the end of the Trump presidency.
(1,963 posts)chowder66
(10,222 posts)True Dough
(22,164 posts)I thought you wrote "as a fighter pilot in the '20s..."
Figured you were flying one of these:
(11,268 posts)Just a few months behind you, so keep on perkin' and make it look good!
(6,156 posts)My next BD will celebrate 80, and unless I fall off the discipline wagon, aiming for 95.
George II
(67,782 posts)Congrats on your 50th, we don't see that much anymore.
A month before we lost my father, he and my mother celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary! They still went for Sunday drives and shopping trips together.
(6,091 posts)Savannah's Vic's on the River's Shrimp and grits sounded like such a simple plain dish but the menu said it a Signature or House Special something like that. Very glad to this day I asked for Shrimp and Grits. Beautiful City.
You two keep perkin' along.
(1,166 posts)I want to be like you.
(3,605 posts)That's what I say. Stay strong and keep perkin'. We need wisdom and encouragement in this world. Just reading your post was encouragement for me. Thanks!
(21,615 posts)All best wishes.
BTW, I love Savannah! Did you drive out to Tybee Island?
Tybee Island reminded me of 50s/60s Gulf Shores, AL.
Before the condos came.
(85,366 posts)Only 66, but gotta admit, I think about that EVERY day. "When does my number come up?"
H2O Man
(76,275 posts)(Recommended.)
I'm glad that you are alive and kicking. Our society needs responsible Elders. Reaching this point is an honor that you have earned.
I remember back when I turned 60, my youngest daughter asking me how I felt? I said it was curious to realize my life was half-over.
(25,816 posts)localroger
(3,747 posts)You're roughly the same age as my father, who will turn 80 in December. He also didn't expect to live this long, and was tragically surprised to outlive my mother, who was the love of his life. Today we meet at a theater about midway between our homes (we live 80 miles apart) to see movies every other Sunday or so.
I'm only 55 and already feel like a decrepit old fart. So more power to us decrepit old farts, I say.
(18,998 posts)Old = current age +10
(3,268 posts)I moved to New Hampshire back in '94 at least partially because of an obituary I saw. It read "Suddenly, So and So age 72" and I thought "Well at 72 it shouldn't be a shock" but it was this line that sealed my decision-"Survived by his father....". I'm 65 now and have never regretted my decisions and neither should you Sir.
(7,694 posts)you sound like you have a great life! Wish I had as good a life.
(9,605 posts)and quite salty as near as I can tell. I turn 72 in December, and I think 78 is going to be out of reach for me - those pesky health issues, ya know, including heart failure.
Good for you - keep those years rolling on by.
(229,762 posts)

(2,526 posts)Lochloosa
(16,500 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,047 posts)See the terrible toll that Medicare for all is taking on the Canadians, ... Oh, never mind.
By the way, Canadian health care costs about half per capita compared to US health care.
Perhaps US gun laws and corporate greed (overwork/underpay) are having a toll? Hmm. Can't have any socialism! It's too healthy!
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,047 posts)(extrapolating data between age 75 and age 80)
(189,239 posts)
(8,203 posts)
(43,146 posts)May you live to at least that age (and happily!)
get into eighties as am...reading the obituaries is meaningless BECAUSE, in my case there...
dawg day
(7,947 posts)All of them. Not the youngest ones.
(12,858 posts)60 was maybe imaginable, because as soon as I was old enuff to understand the significance of the yr 2000 I was pleased I might live to see it!
(30,106 posts)at any age...Happy birthday, though.
(54,273 posts)And the food, somewhat.
I've spent a lot of time in NOLA, both in and out of the quarter.
But you're sure entitled to your opinion too.
(24,906 posts)"If I knew I was going to have to live in this body for so long I would have taken better care of it."
(30,237 posts)fellow virgo
(54,273 posts)
(30,237 posts)as is mine, you're a Virgo.
and you're welcome
(54,273 posts)It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble.
It's what you DO know that ain't so.
And you're welcome right back.
i wrongly assumed you posted it on "our" birthday. have a happy!
(148,661 posts)
Hell... These guys went for the century mark!!

(13,901 posts)Congratulations. Just last night I was at a musical/art/ballet premere at the United Nations NGO International Conference where Robert Redford did a monolog on global warming. He's 83 and he looks and sounds great. Though he needed a little help walking on and off I was really amazed to see him still performing. We just have to keep on having the will to do and a fight to fight.
(11,210 posts)

Joe Nation
(1,066 posts) the age you are.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)I hope you get to see many more Alabama sunsets.
(54,273 posts)
(18,855 posts)He was an artist and died with a heart attack at his work table trying out a new art technique using water and pastels.
Carl Reiner is still sharp and he's 97.
Kirk Douglas is still kicking at 102.
It's not impossible to have another 20 years or more left in you.
(11,347 posts)Celebrate!