Related: About this forumThe AARP finally reacts to attack on Social Security
For weeks the AARP was silent about Trump's attacks on Social Security. Now, finally, they're furious about curtailing the phone service. IMHO, the AARP should also call for the reinstatement of the 7,000 fired Social Security employees, and re-opening the closed SS offices. I've e-mailed them to say so.
snip> “Asking tens of millions of Americans to jump through new hoops and prove their identity in the next 13 days to access the customer service they have paid for is deeply unacceptable,” AARP Vice President Nancy LeaMond warned in a letter to Leland Dudek, Social Security’s acting commissioner.

(4,657 posts)snap out of it
(11,882 posts)Big Blue Marble
(5,590 posts)They speak for millions of members, And they need to speak louder. They have been
very helpful in past assaults on Social Security as when Bush Jr. came after it in
(2,036 posts)LiberalArkie
(17,747 posts)GreatGazoo
(4,094 posts)and they mostly operate as a marketing firm for insurance.
>In 2018 and 2019, several class action lawsuits were filed against AARP regarding insurance policies. One lawsuit is over undisclosed licensing revenue that AARP earned from AARP-branded Medigap insurance policies. Another lawsuit claims that AARP acted as an insurance agent or an insurance broker, neither of which AARP is licensed to be, for AARP-branded Medigap insurance policies. In another lawsuit, the plaintiff said that AARP should not have used its status to claim the AARP-branded insurance policies were "best for seniors". All three were dismissed.<
We need a REAL lobbyist organization for seniors in this country. Is there one that we can join?
(5,280 posts)AARP will remain silent.
(14,033 posts)Do you see them doing anything about lowering the cost of insurance? (Yeah, I know.)
(16,502 posts)

(2,180 posts)But the rest of Lance is useless, too, so there’s that difference!
(14,033 posts).
(8,815 posts)for trying! It would be nice if they did speak up for us. Somebody damn sure should.
(37,245 posts)simply invited members to become "activists" and contact Congress etc. I wanted to know what THEY are doing about this. No response yet.
(9,855 posts)Sucha NastyWoman
(2,995 posts)Mainly due to their promoting United Health Care.
(9,855 posts)magazine was a United Healthcare advertisement.
(54,868 posts)Aggressive defense of social security and Medicare is like the one thing you'd think its members are paying for, and they haven't done.
This is the one thing they should not have been reluctant latecomers to this.
Wounded Bear
(61,622 posts)Yeah, disappointing they weren't on top of this weeks ago, but at least they chimed in now.
(37,245 posts)mucifer
(25,080 posts)JoseBalow
(7,100 posts)c-rational
(2,977 posts)Senators and Congressmen instead of targeting only the rethugs.
(16,437 posts)They are the "CNN of ABC".
Above all else! More important than truth! The all encompassing goal of AARP is to be "neutral" and "unbiased", just like our "press".
It's why they must ask you to contact ALL of the congress people...even those that are fighting tooth and nail to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare.
I swear, if the current "press" and organizations like AARP were around in World War II, they would ask us to contact "both" the Germans and the Jews about the Concentration Camps.
(13,999 posts)This strengthens their resolve to continue the fight.
If they didn't hear from anybody, they might think we didn't believe it was important.
(16,437 posts)but the insidious part of that, is that the party that wants to destroy America is lumped-in with the party that is fighting to preserve it.
It is the Retrumplican Party that has enabled a South African nazi to rum amok and break things. Hell, they slobbered all over themselves to give him a rousing standing ovation at Donnie Dipshits joint address to Congress.
Excuse me, but why do the Democrats need to answer for that?
I wouldn't mind AARP asking folks to contact their Democratic Congresspeople, as long as they PUBLICLY STATE THAT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS EXCLUSIVELY to blame for this shitshow.
It would be simple and TRUTHFUL for AARP to write; "the Republican Party is actively working to destroy Social Security, so please contact your representatives."
Why am I being asked to contact my representative? Is there something going on? Is Social Security under attack? Who is attacking it? Who is threatening to shut it down, or require in-person visits to Social Security offices that are being shuttered? Who made Elon Musk a Special Government Advisor?
If AARP wants me to contact a Democrat, they should explain that I am being asked to do so to STOP the Retrumplican Shitshow from destroying Social Security!
(10,103 posts)United Healthcare. UHC uses AARP branding to appear customer friendly. AARP allows and profits from this. UHC murders seniors through denial of health care at a rate 3X that of other insurance companies.
I don’t trust AARP.
(309,074 posts)TY
Oopsie Daisy
(5,554 posts)I don't have a problem with that. --- In the age of the "INSTANT RESPONSE" that everyone is accustomed to online or in streaming/cable or traditional media... it's natural to see this type of thoughtful response (probably reviewed by proof-readers and a legal dept) take a little bit longer than a typical kneejerk response on a wild-paced discussion forum.
Good on them!
Lulu KC
(7,628 posts)When my husband brought the mail in the other day he said, "What? Drew Barrymore is on the cover of the AARP magazine?" We laughed pretty hard about that. If you get it, you get it.
Wiz Imp
(4,488 posts)Lulu KC
(7,628 posts)And now that I think about it, 50? Oh, yes, that's when the invitations to join arrive in the mail, along with the ads for orthopedic tennis shoes.
Wiz Imp
(4,488 posts)Every so often they'll put celebrities on the cover of their magazine specifically when they turn 50.