Related: About this forumRecently I've discovered that driving in clogged up traffic, creeping along a few feet at the time, on an interstate,
just wears me out. I am 73.
the other day on I95, I drove about 8 miles in that kind of mess.
Has anyone noticed this sort of thing?

(38,907 posts)Mine has the adaptive cruise control. I set it for the speed limit and let the car do the work of accelerating and stopping. I only have to interact when another car merges slowly.
(31,729 posts)Obviously, the universe is trying to tell me something.
(24,751 posts)I sure could have used one of those when I was working and driving through massive traffic twice a day.
(8,094 posts)whistles and I must say I'm envious. I drive a 2005 Altima with 154,000 miles on it. At least it's a reliable workhorse.
(871 posts)And I haven’t driven on the interstate in years. Yes, it’s extremely tiring and dangerous! People drive so fast and those oversized pickup trucks are the worst.
(17,681 posts)I've become a bit of a hothouse plant. I don't like it much 'out there'.
(4,485 posts)Easterncedar
(4,112 posts)As a break from coping with the speed demons and monster trucks.
But yeah, the clogs are exhausting.
(1,483 posts)Interesting that you posted this today.
I am 71 and took a long driving trip over the last week. Was going from New Mexico to South Dakota using mostly I-25. Now, it was my mistake to hit Denver at Rush hour time ( was delayed a bit on the south leg). Took over an hour, stop and go, just to get thru Denver on I-25. Oh, Well, just had to endure.
On the return, I got smart (or so I thought). Was going to go thru Denver on the southbound trip on Saturday at around 5pm--weekend you know. Got to be smooth going. Wrong, totally backed up again on all the roads, including full stops on some. What in the world is going on? Do you have to drive at 1am now?
Forget adaptive cruise control. Just don't drive anywhere.
(13,322 posts)around the west, trips that included going through Denver were always timed so that the Denver passage occurred on Sunday morning and no other time, when Denverites were either in church or still in bed.
(1,483 posts)usonian
(16,772 posts)Of mostly winding roads for half the trip. I counted 80 bends or turns, all on the near half, and redneck political signs, so I actually prefer to drive after sunset. All of it two lanes.
I sometimes visit my daughter, some 180 or more miles ( who's counting? ) and recall the Bay Area traffic I dealt with for 30 years.
I conclude that the answer is a chauffeur, but no chance of that, for many reasons.
Who else has noticed that many, not all, of our "technological miracles" simply replace what humans used to do? Automated driving is still technological garbage, and dangerous garbage.
Well, the journey is the destination in so many aspects of life. My pleasure in music and photography is in the practice and the taking, not dialing up someone else's canned result. But driving isn't one of them.
I used to love to drive as a teen and thereabouts, but my teen grew up. At least I did it often for my parents.
And moved away!
Safe driving, friends.
(27,591 posts)However, I have never been crazy about driving, although I did lots of long trips with my sons as they were growing up.
I also am an enormous fan of public transportation. I recall fondly the first seven years I lived in the DC area without a car. The only reason I finally got one was that I wanted to start taking college classes, and needed the car to get to work and college in a timely fashion.