Related: About this forumI know where I'm going when I die.
No, I'm not concerned about heaven or hell.
I know where I'm going.
I'M GOING TO MEMPHIS!,for%20the%20advancement%20of%20science.
I've donated my body to medical research.
They come and get you.
NO CHAERGE for transport!
You leave no loose strings behind.
No final expense for my family.
When they're done, your remains are cremated and sent to your designated recipient for memorial service or whatever.
Just a suggestion.

(17,517 posts)Croney
(4,937 posts)He will be 90 soon. His body is going to LSU for research. I sure hope it works out the way he wants. I told him to give me a little advance warning before dying so he can be retrieved in a timely manner. He said he'll certainly try.
(41,406 posts)An insurance agent said he could provide us with the perfect insurance policy. All he needed to know was the day we would die.
(54,273 posts)(Except when they're playing the Tide.)
(3,810 posts)My mom is 92 and is giving her body to UAB in Birmingham when she dies.
(54,273 posts)back when it was called the U of A "Extension Center".
Early 60s?
(27,430 posts)We kids (all six of us) were more than okay with her decision.
We did eventually get her ashes back, and eventually scattered them where she wanted them to go.
(54,460 posts)BOSSHOG
(41,406 posts)I dont know what medical facility well go to but we want our ashes to float down the Mississippi and end up in the Big Easy, preferably during Mardi Gras Season.
(35,363 posts)trof
(54,273 posts)BOSSHOG
(41,406 posts)Took my BIL awhile to figure it out.
(4,281 posts)I will be going to M. S. Hershey Medical Center. All my family pays is transportation. But I am only 15 miles away, so it shouldn't be a lot.
(54,273 posts)There should be NO fee!
(1,732 posts)Thank you veh much
(162,408 posts)ever think about tattooing a message to those medical research folk
marble falls
(63,643 posts)... "Measure twice, cut once".
(14,415 posts)marble falls
(63,643 posts)MiHale
(11,349 posts)
marble falls
(63,643 posts)
(162,408 posts)
(96,605 posts)
(6,954 posts)"Open Here"
(54,273 posts)"OPEN HERE"?
marble falls
(63,643 posts)FailureToCommunicate
(14,415 posts)(JK JK)
marble falls
(63,643 posts)... and it's a big field with hundreds of others who are trying to make a last attempt at reducing their carbon footprint. The hole will be hand dug and filled. Very inexpensive and prepaid.
(29,540 posts)I was told the cement liner boxes are to protect the groundwater but I wonder if theres evidence that thats a common enough issue to justify it.
marble falls
(63,643 posts)... some locations are suitable, some are not. The pollution is from the embalming, not un-embalmed bodies.
My suitable final resting ground is in Austin, well under $3,000. With a tree planted close enough for me to help fertilize.
(54,273 posts)I don't think that would fly down her.
But why waste a body when you could do some good?
marble falls
(63,643 posts)... organ-short, beat to hell body on a commercial flight (all that wasted fuel, pollution) being refrigerated for perhaps months, being cremated (more pollution and fuel waste) being shipped back to wherever and buried for a gouged price? This evolves no waste or unnecessary expense?
The only thing more ecofriendly and economical than a final ride in my station wagon to the cemetery and put into a hole un-embalmed, would be jam a ham bone up my butt and let the dogs drag me into the woods. I'll not be wasted either way.
Sorry my inexpensive, eco-friendly last wishes offends the great state of Alabama. I'd sure as hell'd rather end up in Texas than Alabama at any rate.
How many body farms do we need, anyways? No one will take my organs with my medical history. I really don't need anyone else's opinion.
(26,243 posts)and post.
I'll check my local university.
(35,363 posts)One of the best memories of my entire life is a 2 day trip I spent with my daughter, pre grand kids on the island of Catalina. Once you get beyond Long Shore the water is as blue as the Mediterranean. The memories I have of that trip are poignant, vivid and just down right wonderful.
Some ppl look up at the stars and say how they know they belong
for me its the sea.
Kudos to you for making all the difficult decisions and not leaving it up to your family. Wherever one ends up, I hope you have the kind of peaceful feelings tref has about it
(54,273 posts)OldBaldy1701E
(7,400 posts)I kind of like the idea, but I also wanted to be cremated. Still deciding I guess.
marble falls
(63,643 posts)

Deer Caught Gnawing on Human Bones
For the first time, researchers spotted a white-tailed deer chewing on a rib bone at a body farm
Jason Daley
May 8, 2017
In what may be the most disturbing study published so far this year, researchers photographed the first-known instance of a white-tailed deer gnawing on human bones. As George Dvorsky reports for Gizmodo, in 2015, a camera trap captured images of a deer with a human rib sticking out of its mouth, likely gnawing on the bone to release minerals.
The bone-chewing deer was detected during a study of animal scavengers at the 26-acre Forensic Anthropology Research Facility in San Marcos, Texas, a body farm where researchers from Texas State University study the decomposition of human bodies. Researchers usually place a cage over the bodies to prevent large animals from scavenging the corpses. But, according to the case report published in The Journal of Forensic Sciences, researchers were hoping to record how scavengers impact decomposition. So they placed the body in a wooded area in July 2014 without a cage and used cameras to record the animals that stopped by to snack.
It wasnt until 182 days after deathwhen much of the body had decomposed and the dry rib cage was exposedthat the deer appeared. On January 5, 2015, the camera trap photographed a white-tailed deer with a rib bone hanging out of its mouth that has previously been described as holding the bone "like a cigar," the researchers write in the paper. Eight days later, the camera caught another image of a deer gnawing on the bones, but it's unclear whether it was the same animal.
Deer rib lateral
(7,400 posts)
marble falls
(63,643 posts)... bag after a police raid.
(24,441 posts)marble falls
(63,643 posts)trof
(54,273 posts)Sorry, but there it is.
I do like the Body Farm idea. I saw it on a YouTube video.
Very helpful to law enforcement and coroners.
(49,156 posts)I've a spot reserved in a suitcase amongst my kin, and in a plot I don't approve of.
True Dough
(22,164 posts)allowed some medical students to slice 'em and dice 'em for science. Bless their souls.
True Dough
(22,164 posts)and don't rush off to that final destination!
(54,273 posts)marble falls
(63,643 posts)
(7,309 posts)For my skeleton. I'm a tetracycline baby. Given tetracycline as a little baby for pneumonia, and then later they found out that given to little children, tetracycline turns your teeth and bones grey/yellow instead of the usual ivory. My teeth are definitely grey and I bet my bones are too.
(138,724 posts)As a family member recently died, these issues are front and center (for other family members,) and as my Plenty-Nine birthday is soon, the need to plan becomes relevant.
Am officially a 'donor,' but not taking steps to dedicate my entire body; am looking into Green Burial. Hope to make arrangements so as to relieve my family of the need and expense to do so.
(9,605 posts)If my kid is okay with this, I think I will be on board. Good idea.
(23,104 posts)My grandmother in law donated her body to science, which shocked me because she was dyed in the wool Southern Baptist and they believe the body comes back when Christ returns.
Many subsets of Christianity believe this which is why those groups object to cremation.
Good on you for doing this
(12,911 posts)and deliver me to Mar A Lago. I'm only sorry I'll miss the explosion and the great story of cheering worldwide that he's finally gone.