Rural/Farm Life
Related: About this forumEgg production is down with the ladies they're traumatized
Found black snake eating a egg in hen house Thursday. I moved him to lower pasture. I told the ladies this morning feeding them that I understand completely.

The poor hens! I hope this takes care of the problem.
Next step is the psychiatrist vet
(38,601 posts)Arkansas Granny
(31,944 posts)For the number of rats and mice they consumed, he was willing to sacrifice an occasional egg. Rodents can ruin a lot of livestock feed.
Also, and I don't know this to be true, he claimed that a healthy black snake population would deter poisonous snakes. I know that I never saw any on our place while neighbors who killed any snake they saw, reported seeing them on a regular basis. I know that's purely anecdotal and you're free to draw your own conclusions.
(14,138 posts)Black snakes keep the copperheads cleaned out. We used to have a problem with them. And recently I found one in lower horse pasture shot it 22 snake shot. So once again I had lower fields burned out local fire company does it for free. As they train their mountain and brush fire teams. The burn takes care of the copperheads for about three years.
(12,046 posts)Just give em couple seconds if you see them they will go mind their own business .. good for mice an egg here or there is a small wage... they are much cheaper workers than my egg sleuthing LGDs in that regard! 😂
(23,211 posts)skunks, fox, hawks, bears, etc. here... hugs of solidarity from my hens to yours
(18,435 posts)..I love their fresh eggs...all diff colors and sizes. But they have been scarce this summer. Hubby caught owner one morning on the way to work and she said her girls got attacked by a racoon