Rumors swirl about F-35 contract
Ordinarily I won’t give any weight to “Trump says” comments or articles in The New York Post.
Back in January 2024, though, I went to a presentation Steve Herman gave. He came across as pretty levelheaded. For that reason, I’m passing this on.
From Lydia Moynihan at Twitter:

(5,909 posts)Defense contractors are smart enough to source subcontractors from just about every congressional district in the country.
(63,413 posts)widgets that go into planes, tanks, ships, et al.
Thanks for writing, and good morning.
(5,909 posts)oldmanlynn
(603 posts)They republicans have been successful at painting DEI as a bad thing with little to no counter by anyone. Diversity equity and inclusion is now dead and a negative thing.
Companies left and right are abandoning DEI quicker than a stinky turd is flushed.
We have to learn how to counter misinformation and the Republicans Russian style propaganda.
House of Roberts
(5,877 posts)at the behest of Putin. If China is 'winning the fighter race' we should be doing more, not less. I know that's expensive, but the alternative is falling behind technologically.
(6,669 posts)The F35 has been a debacle and money suck from the get go. I'm not even sure the thing will EVER be worth the money WE"VE already spent on it.
(4,879 posts)Projected orders total over 4,000 aircraft and if it were scrapped a replacement would take decades to develop.
(6,669 posts)but, i have also heard that Air Force personnel ...the people who fly these things have called them death traps. Wasn't it supposed to be in service 10 years ago? And were it scrapped, who loses the money? Grumman? Boeing? Honestly i think some of the countries on the receiving list would be happier not getting it, but were pressured to put in orders many years ago. Does the world really need 4,000 more War jets?
Just thinking out loud here. Feel free to ignore me. I recognize you may have skin in the game. Not trying to be a jerk.