No way to tell (here) how sensitive the documents in question were/are - how they came to be in his possession (although his work most likely provided access) - or who they might have been shared with, if in fact they were sensitive.
- snip - AP News, March 9,2022 - After Haney’s death, the FBI’s analysis of numerous thumb drives and a personal laptop in Haney’s motorhome determined that “many documents found are the property of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection,” according to the sheriff’s detailed account of the death investigation.
That federal agency’s Office of Professional Responsibility asked to take possession of what it called “contraband” documents.
The sheriff’s office said it turned over Haney’s laptop and three thumb drives a month ago “for their investigation into violations of CBP policy and numerous United States Codes.”
Customs and Border Protection spokesman Jaime Ruiz said he couldn’t comment “because it’s an open investigation.”
“We might have further details as the investigation progresses, but for now we can’t say anything,” Ruiz added.
An FBI spokeswoman, Gina Swankie, said her agency assisted the sheriff’s office with analysis, but it was not an FBI investigation. She declined to comment, deferring to the sheriff’s office.