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Huffington Post is loosing it? Most of their so-called news is old, rarely nothing "breaking." Way too much entertainment nightly news and the same articles over and over again. Just wondering.

(113,131 posts)They've always had a certain amount of crap, like their woo-soaked "health" page, but now it's pretty much taken over. When they run a real story, it's usually something I've read here or in the mainstream press, often several days earlier.
(40,416 posts)no1uno
(55 posts)Pick one any one.....
loosed, loos·ing, loos·es
1. To let loose; release: loosed the dogs.
2. To make loose; undo: loosed his belt.
3. To cast loose; detach: hikers loosing their packs at camp.
4. To let fly; discharge: loosed an arrow.
5. To release pressure or obligation from; absolve: loosed her from the responsibility.
6. To make less strict; relax: a leader's strong authority that was loosed by easy times.
1. To become loose.
2. To discharge a missile; fire.
(95,902 posts)they were much better than what they have morphed into. Now they are crap and have been called, "Huffin-Puff" by Stephen Colbert and "Side-Boob Gazette" by Jon Stewart. I tend to agree with them. Removed them from my bookmarks list a couple years ago.