Related: About this forumi can't stand steve kornacki.
he probably does some decent reporting but as soon as i see it's him, it's over. not watching.
(12,528 posts)He is beyond annoying.
(5,797 posts)almost every show on MSNBC! I agree, an annoying personality.
(26,008 posts)And look where Todd wound up. I didn't like Todd back then and like him less now. Who knows where Kornacki will wind up.
(30,102 posts)i never did watch chuck todd.
i have a low threshold. or a very high bar!
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)Thunderbeast
(3,582 posts)Why he gets bashed continuously on DU is perplexing to me. He is nerdy. He gets excited while reporting otherwise dry facts.
I wonder if this forum dislikes him because he was early in predicting the prospect of a Trump win on election night in 2016?
Kornacki and Chuck Todd often deliver news and opinions that bring discomfort to those of us in the DU bubble. We can't let groupthink (even from the left) to mask the opinions and perspectives of those who may disagree.
Our country NEEDS open and rational debate of the pressing issues we face. Sorry folks, we don't have a monopoly on good ideas. I am not an apologist for the ignorant rants from Trumpsters, but I want to know what the Bill Cristals, George Wills, and David Brooks have to say. Kornacki and Todd help frame the often rational opposing perspectives to liberal orthodoxy.
(30,102 posts)is the way he jumps around. i didn't know that he had predicted trump would win.
(24,636 posts)He and Mr Toad are not left wingers.
(3,582 posts)I like news and commentary to start with facts and rational conversation representing more than one lens into the story. Let ME weigh the differing views and decide where my own truth lies.
Sure, the guy is animated when bombarded with election returns in real time. He quickly gets to analysis of trends that are hiding in the weeds, and reports his analysis.
I regularly speak to my Republican friends and relatives. Does that disqualify me from expressing my own take on events?
(24,462 posts)I watch some of Morning Joe to see what msm is saying. I watch Nicole Wallace and Rachel routinely and Lawrence O'Donnell at least once a week. I watch Joy on Sat. That's it.
(30,102 posts)some weeks all the news i get is from twitter, fb, DU or the blips i get from the WP or NYT. sometimes i just can't look on a daily basis.