Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumSupport of gun control just hit its lowest point in a decade 52% of Americans polled now say that the "laws covering the sales of firearms" should be stricter than they currently are, the lowest number that Gallup has measured on the question since 2014.
Lots of us gun humpers out there.

(8,885 posts)and especially open and concealed carry, the more fear people have and therefore think they need a gun also? FEAR...that is the factor that continues to control our society and it seems to be getting worse and worse.
Also, according to the article - "Changes in the party occupying the White House may also influence preferences for gun laws. Generally, the public favors stricter laws when Republicans are in office and less strict laws when Democrats are." An example of our tribal politics once again.
(18,622 posts)
(14,559 posts)Gunners get a hardon over the slightest of 'good news' for gunz.
(4,131 posts)What I don't support are gun grabbers and arbitrary, ineffective, and antiquated gun laws that burden gun owners and don't protect the public from gun crime.
We could pass Universal Background Checks, Safe Storage Laws, and Minimum Standards for Concealed Carry licenses. We could do it in this political climate, with the support of gun owners, if only we actually tried to negotiate instead of demand.
Most gun owners have no problem with any of that. I would not mind having to demonstrate proficiency including safe handling, every 5 or 10 years. Even if I, and many, consider it a right, rights come with responsibilities. I speak as one who had a father who carried long after he should have....
jimmy the one
(2,725 posts)gallup: In general, do you feel that the laws covering the sale of firearms should be made more strict, less strict or kept as they are now?
.......................More strict ...Less strict ..Kept as now.. No opinion
2021 Oct 1-19 ..... 52 ................... 11 ..... 35 .......... 1
I do not understand what you are bragging about. By a 52% to ~47% margin, americans want stricter guns laws re firearm sales than those opposed or neutral, notwithstanding 'kept as now' voters who think they are fair enough. While that's near parity it still comprises a slim majority of support for stricter firearm sales laws. This would equate to about 140 million american adults wanting stricter gun laws, and you strut about because this fell off a few million?
Your OP thread title is misleading, since just a few aspects of gun control have declined in support; you evidently {edit: mislead} out of misinterpreting what you read in the report you linked to.
Here are other polls accessed from your link:
Quinnipiac, apr 2021, albeit a year old: More than 6 in 10 Americans (62 - 33 percent) say there should be restrictions on gun owners who want to carry guns in public places.
A plurality of Americans, 48 - 40 percent, think the United States would be less safe if more people carried guns.
Pew, sept 2021, near same date as gallup poll: Roughly half of Americans (53%) favor stricter gun laws, a decline since 2019, according to the Center’s April 2021 survey. Smaller shares say these laws are about right (32%) or should be less strict (14%).
Mirrors your gallup link, near parity with slight edge to stricter gun laws, vs status quo or less strict.
I'm wondering if your next thread might see you strutting about with: 'Support for universal background checks slips to 92%, lowest support in two decades'......
The Mouth
(3,330 posts)and WTF are you sputtering on about with the use of 'bragging'.
You can disagree without using childish language like "strutting", "Bragging", or accusing me of lying.
(18,622 posts)Opinion polls in my OPINION
are mostly meaningless, at least the ones about gun laws. From my observations at least half the population has no idea about what gun laws we have now.
There are some questions that, if included in a poll, the answers would be seriously entertaining.
Here's a few of my suggested questions:
Please define "machine gun" and give an example. (Free reply essay)
Can you buy a cruise missile at a gun show? (yes/no)
Has an aircraft ever been shot down with a .50 cal rifle, domestically? (yes/no)
Is an assault weapon the same as an assault rifle? (yes/no)
jimmy the one
(2,725 posts)mouth: and WTF are you sputtering on about with the use of 'bragging'.
This: Lots of us gun humpers out there.
You can disagree without using childish language like "strutting", "Bragging", or accusing me of lying.
OK, I'll retract the lying part since you did indeed cite cnn, but not the other two, since you were, by virtue of the post & your remark.
The Mouth
(3,330 posts)I hope to genuinely be strutting and bragging when SCOTUS enacts nationwide Constitutional Carry and throws out the gun control legislation of 1934 and 1968 as well as the capacity of any state or local governments to do a damn thing about anybody other than people convicted of a violent crime or under a restraining order to own or carry anything they please .
jimmy the one
(2,725 posts)mouth: I hope to genuinely be strutting and bragging when SCOTUS enacts nationwide Constitutional Carry and throws out the gun control legislation of 1934 and 1968 as well as the capacity of any state or local governments to do a damn thing about anybody other than people convicted of a violent crime or under a restraining order to own or carry anything they please.
Yeah, I was right the first time. Bragging and Strutting, doing a far rightwing tap dance.
You seem to be quite pleased with what a rightwing packed supreme court is likely to do, and conversely quite displeased as to what the 3 liberal justices will object to, in the upcoming sessions.
Let me remind you mister, that democratic candidates have won the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections. That means that the 'will of the people' was predominantly with democrats over the past 30 years, and that includes gun control efforts.
Had the 'will of the people' prevailed over the antiquated electoral college, the supreme court might today be 7 - 2 to the left. At least 6 - 3. It should have been this way.
So revel in this perverted outlook that you somehow 'won' or will win. Like with the shall issue ccw changing chart which shows how stinking republican legislatures rammed thru shall issue ccw against the will of most state's electorates, you live in a twisted rightwing horror show.
Your opinion above is not the democratic approach to gun control. It is a twisted and perverted dream of rightwing nutjobs, not true democrats.
You are as far to the right on gun control as most nra members.
The Mouth
(3,330 posts)when voting and getting a firearm are equally easy, which is to say default unless disqualified for VERY good reasons, with government doing everything feasible to facilitate.
Even better would be getting the CMP much more widely used and supported, including sales of surplus to citizens and training in schools as an elective sport.
No one should have any more say over what I own or carry than over the gender of my life partner, what art I create or consume, or what substances I wish to indulge in.
Lucid Dreamer
(589 posts)When I was in high school back in the early '60s Ohio had widespread marksmanship competition.
On Friday afternoon after lunch I would check out a Remington 513T rifle and 150 rounds of ammunition from the shop teacher and carry it in school until I walked home.
On Monday morning I turned the rifle back in. There were 6 of us on the rifle team.
We traveled to schools around the state for competition. Some of the schools had shooting ranges in their basements, some used NG armories and some met at outdoor ranges.
Nobody got shot.
I still carry a gun. I never shot anybody.
Lucid Dreamer
(589 posts)I bought a Garand M-1 from what was then DCM, Director for Civilian Marksmanship, back around 1997.
Got one of the last that were sold for less than $200.
I think I got the 30-06 from them, too. Not sure since I've purchased a lot since.
(4,058 posts)but there is a wait list, and you may well be on it for awhile before your lucky number comes up. I went to Anniston, AL several years ago, picked up a Rock Island 1903, receiver dates to 1914, but was rebarreled in '42, and an H&R M-1. The 1903's were getting pretty thin, but at the time, there were still rows of carbines. 2 or 3 years later, they were out. They have an auction spot, for rare/unusual arms (like low serial #'s), but you're probably going to pay a pretty penny for a lot of those.
(4,058 posts)Takes a while, more paperwork than a retail sale, but if they have an M-1 Garand in stock when you send in your order, you'll get one (upon passing check, of course). And, cheaper than a gun store, or auction. Sadly, they have been out of carbines for some time.