Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumWould-be victim shoots armed robber in the face, police say (Texas)'HOUSTON — A man was hospitalized late Wednesday after being shot in the face while attempting to rob another man, according to Houston police.
At a news briefing published by KABB, Houston police Lt. R. Wilkens said the incident happened just before 11 p.m. at the Shell gas station near the intersection of Airport and Monroe boulevards.
Citing the victim, surveillance video and witness testimony, Wilkens said a man armed with a gun approached another man after getting out of a car at the Shell gas station.
“He walks up to (the would-be victim) briskly, pulls up his shirt, has a gun and tells him to give him all his belongings,” Wilkens said. “Our … robbery complainant was defending himself. He had a pistol as well. He shot one time (and) hit (the robbery suspect) in the face.”

(13,384 posts)Is this ostensibly a 'good guy with a gun' story? Both legal carries? The 'heroic' part?
Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)What information are you lacking that prevents you from having an opinion on the story?
(2,692 posts)Hooray for stimulus, I suppose...
(21,586 posts)Is too expensive for taxpayers so victims should let themselves be victimized?
(8,614 posts)He would rather save taxpayers money by making sure that the bad guy expires .?
(18,622 posts)

(1,666 posts)Pull their shirts up right in front of their potential victim, giving them a chance to grab it and shoot their nuts off? Or in this case allow them time to grab their own gun and shoot their face off.
I thought bad guys were only that dumb in the movies.
(4,058 posts)24 yrs in corrections. I speak from firsthand knowledge.
(14,559 posts)Fact-check: In 2014, according to FBI data, nearly eight times more people were shot and killed in arguments than by civilians trying to stop a crime.
• In one survey, nearly 1 percent of Americans reported using guns to defend themselves or their property. However, a closer look at these claims found that more than half involved using guns in an aggressive manner, such as escalating an argument.
• A study in Philadelphia found that the odds of an assault victim being shot were 4.5 times greater if he carried a gun. His odds of being killed were 4.2 times greater.
(18,622 posts)...but would have any links for those?
And while you're here, would you have any Grey Poupon?
(14,559 posts)the passive/aggressive way of calling me a liar! Well, here ya go:
I'll save you the arduous task of actually reading the research and relate the NPR findings of this piece; "According to a Harvard University analysis of figures from the National Crime Victimization Survey, people defended themselves with a gun in nearly 0.9 percent of crimes from 2007 to 2011." Being generous I rounded up the .9 to to 1% or ONE IN A HUNDRED.
Two questions for you about Dr. Kellerman; Is this the same Kellerman known for linking gun ownership with rates of violence and have you asked for 'link please' to satisfy yourself that the Dr. wasn't just talking out his ass?
Sorry, no Grey Poupon but I have a safe full of Mosin Nagants and Swiss 7.5s.
(18,622 posts)Never. I have learned a great deal here from folks on both sides of this issue.
TBH I have so many things bookmarked that I need to reorg the bookmarks. I find frequently links lead me to sites that have lots of new data to digest. Data found often goes beyond the topic under discussion.
Re: Dr. K- I found this. Why would I infer that anyone involved in this topic would talking out of their ass?
I was able to obtain some store brand Dijon so I'm happy for now.
As for the rifles, it seems obvious that you're a collector but do you shoot as well?
Neither handguns nor long guns here nor a safe to keep them in. It's a hobby I can't afford. Sadly, I have neither the time nor the money.
(14,559 posts)I don't have a good place to use as a range any more--public ranges scare hell out of me--but I've put enough rounds down range to have all the skills relegated to muscle memory. I believe I can still put three rounds into a playing card at 100 yards. Depends on how the dry eye is doing.
I'm get a bit peeved at the 'link please' tactic particularly when I've disclosed the source of my information. It's a common thing in the gungeon, a method of distraction and usually leads to dueling statistics or red herrings (now called what-aboutisms). Also the appeal to authority is a common logical fallacy, so when DR. K was cited in a way that was contrary to his conclusions my BS detector went on alert.
I've been at this 'debate' for 40 odd years and never are any minds changed regardless of 'links please'. For me it was all fun and games and an intellectual exercise until December 14, 2012. That changed me.
(18,622 posts)Changing minds is like changing clothes, better to do your own than another's.
(14,559 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,622 posts)Amendment I, certainly no objections from me. I was only speaking from my experience.