Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumWanted to make sure you guys knew about this.
jimmy the one
(2,725 posts)I think it's gonna be 'must miss' television for a lot of the regulars....
Decoy of Fenris
(1,954 posts)Two things no one watch any more (if they want to stay informed/relevant.) TV is an antiquated relic for the uninformed, the willfully ignorant, and those who tragically can't afford internet (So no surprise it's playing there.) Very few people my age (40) or younger bother with television for news or information any more. Get back to me when it's on Twitch.
(8,614 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,622 posts)I'll be busy Sunday night but I expect it will be available out there in interweb land. Please keep us updated if you hear.
The link to msn that you cross-posted to talks about gun laws being around for centuries in the US. I thought we all knew that.
(38,952 posts)Some states prohibited Free Blacks from owning guns.
Surf Fishing Guru
(115 posts)Note, I had originally posted this in the thread in the GC&A thread linked in the OP. I self deleted that post and moved it here because I do not identify as a gun control activist.
I have the DVR set and I will watch it but I have no confidence that it will be offering truth without spin and con jobs . . .
From the first moments of the video teaser it lays out a false premise. It shows a graphic of the federal Constitution and the words of the 2nd Amendment and then fades and overlays it with state laws, the first featured laws are dated before the federal Constitution was even in force (Delaware 1776, Pennsylvania 1783 etc) . . . And then Sen Murphy lays out the premise that "our founding fathers loved gun control" . . .
What does state gun control really say about the thoughts on gun control of the framers of the federal Constitution and the actual effect and action of the 2nd Amendment restraining state gun control? Isn't a well known fact that the 2nd Amendment had no effect or restraining action upon state laws (until McDonald, 2010)? Shouldn't we expect even CNN documentary makers to know this fact?
That fact explains why the NRA had no real interest in gun control until the expansion of federal gun law in the late 60's. That fact explains why state gun control enjoyed nearly uncontested open field running, especially in states without a right to arms provision in their state constitutions (NY, CA, MD, NJ).
We will see if these facts and important distinctions are explained. Without such explanation early in the program, of the relationship (or lack thereof) state gun control laws and the 2nd Amendment, it's going to be obvious that CNN's intention is to mislead the public.
We'll see. . .
Surf Fishing Guru
(115 posts)New airdate just announced for the broadcast premiere of The Price Of Freedom Movie — Sun, Sept 19 at 9p ET/6p PT.
Link to tweet
(18,622 posts)Surf Fishing Guru
(115 posts)So, did anyone watch it?
I watched it straight through, plans were to watch again later on DVR with the pause button and writing down specific rebuttals, but honestly I don't think that will be necessary. I don't see anyone actually trying to defend or advance any of the goofiness presented last night. There's a reason why there is zero chatter anywhere about the presentation.
To me, it was much bluster and buffoonery without anything to show for it. No actual policy proposals were made, it was a tearful retrospective of what had been achieved in the past but otherwise, it just devolved into being a hit piece intended to give anti-gunners a warm feeling inside. It was definitely geared to inflame the emotions of superficial people who have very little knowledge of the issue and especially the underlying history and law.
There was very little knowledge of the gun rights argument demonstrated, it was a string of caricatures of what anti-gunner's feel gun rights supporters believe.
In essence and effect, it was just a two hour long exercise in stuffing straw men . . . and then everyone congratulated themselves and left to sip lattes.
The Chris Cuomo discussion afterwards was laughable.
(21,586 posts)That group was promoting and looking forward to this. Maybe they are talking about it.
Surf Fishing Guru
(115 posts)In the thread the OP here links to over there, the last post is mine (which I deleted and migrated here because I do not fit the group's statement of purpose).
Given the taunting upthread here about gun rights people having no enthusiasm and the show being a 'must miss' for this forum's regulars, I'm surprised at the complete lack of peacocking here, and especially there.
Yes, indeed!
(4,058 posts)giving time for both sides to present, without a lot of the monkey business of the one from a few years back, but as it progressed, the anti side was given more air time, with little to no response from the pro side. I watched it through, also, but also intended to watch later with notebook.