Gun Control & RKBA
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this pepper spray device, have anyone seen or used it?

(6,185 posts)One of the old fashioned glass or crystal ones, with a squeeze bulb on the end of a rubber tube ... and fill it with scented water instead of pepper spray.
Then it's not as "aggressive" and penis like.
for the humor deprived
(18,318 posts)Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)branford
(4,462 posts)being prosecuted for using pepper spray are most disconcerting.
(17,502 posts)Maybe I read too much Edward Abbey in my youth, but AFAIC, anyone who thinks society is more important than the individual should get their liberal card revoked.
(6,185 posts)... in that thread.
Not much sympathy for the victim either, just because she fought back?
Or was it because she used a "weapon" which to many posting there = guns?
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)It would be better, in their estimation, to allow the rapist in your pants than to permit the camel's nose in the tent.
I was hit with accusations that I was smuggling a gungeon topic into GD (pepper spray?), advocating foreveryone to be armed and claims that it was such permissiveness that contributed to Sandy Hook.
Control is a higher priority than resisting rapists.
(6,185 posts)... they can still hold the high moral ground against guns and other "weapons".
Just hope that the police come by and see what's happening in time to save you and don't shoot you by accident or on purpose..
(12,194 posts)Yes but society is still ok, so its all good.
(6,185 posts)Eleanors38
(18,318 posts)branford
(4,462 posts)Forget the firearms discussion. I don't know how anyone can reasonably conclude that permitting people to carry pepper spray will somehow lead to the collapse of civilization in Europe.
Luckily, the majority of posters in the Danish rape victim thread, including many who support gun control, defended the victim and believe the prosecution and law are absurd.
For those few posters who defended both the prosecution and law, they are both supporting the law of the jungle where the strong easily overpower the weak as well as opposing the basic human right of self-defense (or at least any tool to do so in an effective manner), and I don't know any possible permutation where that can be considered remotely liberal or progressive.
(18,318 posts)I think the serious, powerful ideas of Gandhi and King have been cut with too much Granola & gorp, and become a lifestyle badge.
(6,185 posts)No, I haven't seen that one.
But I have seen and used the Kimber Pepper Blaster. Two shots of Hi-Octane pepper spray with a 15 foot reach. Saw it demoed and shot it once in practice. Good stream and dispersion.
The Fox brand is supposed to be industrial strength, but doesn't come in an easy carrying size.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)I'm more inclined toward the Kimber product. My main reservation is that the Kimber offers only two shots and isn't refillable. This think looks like you could spray it for a while.
(6,185 posts)Good solid straight spray pattern. It's kind of a thin gel consistency. Made my eyes water from 10 feet away.
Picked up one for myself and one for my daughter who lives in the city.
Good idea to have a less than lethal choice handy sometimes.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)I wish I could find one for $30. NY State law stipulates that pepper spray products can only be purchased face-to-face from FFLs or licensed pharmacists. (Huh?) None of the mom-and-pop gun shops carry them, and the local drug stores just look at me as if I'm crazy when I ask about pepper spray. I'm left with Gouger Mountain, and they want $45 plus tax.
What's the propellant? I'm curious about how they get it to shoot out with such force.
(6,185 posts)Any propellant can leak over time and this was designed for fail safe, no matter how long it sits in your glove box or drawer.
It has a little plastic piece as a "safety" to protect the trigger that moves out of the way when you put your finger in the trigger guard.
Just squeeze the trigger and it shoots. Squeeze it again for the second shot, if you need it.
But the underlying principle is, you should be far, far away before they recover from that first shot.
In Illinois (outside of Chicago) and Indiana they sell them in most gun stores as well as the big chain stores like Cabela's and Bass Pro Shop. No FOID card or permits required and no Background check.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)Hmm... Refillable is good, if the product in the OP didn't look so wimpy, spraywise.
(15,396 posts)DonP
(6,185 posts)I bought an extra one so she could "test fire" it and see how it felt and aimed. That gave her a lot more confidence in carrying it and impressed me too.
It shot as well and as far as Kimber claimed it did.
(15,396 posts)DonP
(6,185 posts)When she was around 25, we went to the range a few times and I let her rent some different range guns, and test drive anything I had.
The only thing I told her was to focus on what she felt most comfortable shooting and what she shot most accurately. Never mind looks, caliber, color or anything that didn't matter if she ever had to use it or carry it someday.
After 12 different guns, she wound up loving an old Charter Arms Undercover 38 I had picked up somewhere used for cheap. She shot it well single and double action and you know how tough it can be to shoot a snubbie decently.
Funny thing, she had me take off the Hogue rubber comfort grips I had on it and put the little original wooden grips back on because they felt better in her hand and gave her a better grip. Go figure?
She's a teacher and carrying at work is out of the question, but she has a carry permit now. She also organizes "Teacher Field Trips" to the range a few times every school year, along with a basic gun safety class in her kitchen before we go. I've helped her "corrupt" a number of formerly gun control minded teachers into enjoying shooting and learning that they don't turn into knuckle dragging "gun nutz" just by holding a handgun.
(2,375 posts)I just switched to Sabre pepper gel on the job and haven't tested it yet. The +'s -------- long shelf life, (4 yrs) maximum strength, long range, holster included and a dye to mark the bad guy you hit with it.
I think that the video host overstates the difficulty in using the standard sprays. Once you get the trajectory of the spray down, it's very easy to use the flip-top 'safety' as a sight to aim your shot.