Texas Attorney General’s Thorough Plans To Discriminate Against LGBT People
Think Progress
The Texas Attorney Generals Thorough Plans To Discriminate Against LGBT People
This year, Texas lawmakers considered a record number of bills targeting LGBT people for discrimination and persecution, but almost all of them failed to pass. The states top elected leaders havent given up yet, however, and recently laid out extensive plans for future anti-LGBT bills.
Last week, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) announced interim charges for the various committees in the legislature. At the top of his list for the State Affairs Committee was religious liberty, encouraging recommendations to ensure that the government does not force individuals, organizations or businesses to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs.
The same day, Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) was at the ready with a detailed list of proposals the Texas legislature might consider, both for how to further limit a womans right to choose, and for protecting religious liberties.
Paxtons proposals read as general principles that skimp on the details, but are immediately recognizable as mirroring other approaches that have been considered by conservative lawmakers across the country. Here are the recommendations he made to state lawmakers about exactly what kinds of discrimination he believes should be legal and in fact, enshrined in law in Texas:
Religious organizations should not be forced to compromise their religious beliefs when making staffing and housing decisions.

(16,286 posts)Latinos and Muslims and Asians and Londoners and Canadians and Mexicans and Venezuelans and Africans and French and Greek and Chinese and Japanese and Hawaiian's and
do I need to go on?
(18,318 posts)nightscanner59
(802 posts)I am sick and tired of the layer cake of bullshit this ilk is perpetuating. "Religious Freedom" to restrict the freedoms and pursuit of happiness of an entire demographic they just happen to disagree with just makes me ill.
Oh, yes, they're so damn persecuted they are jailed, beaten, hospitalized, brutally bullied, denied housing, jobs, love and understanding, tied to fences beaten and left to die overnight, these, poor, poor American Christians....
Er, wait a minute... I tinks me may habba-gotten something backwards there.
My hackles just raise up from my PTSD layer-cake about this one. I'm the teenage runaway from an extraordinary bullying situation and parental abuse and neglect. I dumpster-dived, did odd jobs, even street-walked my body for a living thanks to those who are displaying how terribly persecuted they are. I survived a brutal anti-gay hate crime 5 years ago involving and extended hospital stay and multiple surgeries to correct boot-inflicted facial fractures only after a vehicular assault to render me largely unconscious to begin with. As it was before the ACA, and my medical insurance pulled a dirty trick to discontinue my coverage related to my injuries (now illegal, btw), I lost my home, a classic car and all my retirement savings to pay off my extensive medical bills. I have directly been denied housing, unjustly dismissed from two job positions by new "christian" managements who cleansed their departments of us horrible LGBT. I still have nightmares of how long, when I was young teenager that "fucking faggot" replaced my name. Yet it is just this so called "christian" ilk that many a member has and still is advocating rights restriction to outright brutal acts of violence against LGBT under the guise of "religious freedom". What a crock.
To Patrick, Paxton, Cruz, the goofball county clerk clown in Tennessee and all the religious right ilk displaying their faux persecution complex... the likes can take their fake morality and all the evil it has produced and shove it right up their fat pretentious asses.
And that's all I got's to say about that.