Maybe people have seen this but study finds homophobes have gay tendencies is some evidence to suggest as much. In a 1993 study, levels of homophobia were assessed among 64 men along with their sexual arousal (measured by increases in penile circumference) in response to erotic videos of heterosexual, same-sex female, and same-sex male encounters. Those who scored high on homophobia were more likely to also manifest sexual arousal in response to the videos of male homosexual encounters.* In a more recent study it was found that men raised in authoritative households were more likely to repress same-sex attractions and to exhibit more hostility to gay people.**
Emile Griffith, a recently deceased welterweight and middleweight champion, pummeled an opponent to death after he had called him an anti-gay slur, Griffith continuing to punch him in the head well after he had clearly won the fight. Though he denied he was gay or bisexual at that time, later in his life Griffith admitted to having had affairs with several men including a male partner who cared for him up until his death.
Add this anecdote to several others including that of right wing politician Larry Craig, who pled guilty to lewd behavior toward other men in an airport bathroom but who also championed anti-gay legislation during his political career, and Ted Haggard, leader of the famously anti-gay National Association of the Evangelicals, who resigned after it was discovered he was engaging male prostitutes.

Faux pas
(15,570 posts)thought this myself.
(802 posts)Hetero's who can admit to their bi side often seem the better balanced individuals, just as the gay folks I know admit to their hetero "tendencies". I've always known, albeit seldom acted upon the 15 percent hetero side of me. My ex (and part of why he's my ex) had to do with the bullshit "playing it straight" for his parent's sake, who would not accept any other way for him. And to be brutally honest, his move to the midwest that I facilitated and subsequent straight marriage... hmmm... okay, but I know a side of that man his present wife does not. And that horn dog can't go a month without a secret tryst.
Makes me wonder how old Fred Phelps would have reacted on the penile meter... There are gay folks who only emerged from their closets after years of displaying, even acting violently homophobic.