Trump and the Central Park Five
The ad that Donald Trump took out concerning the five young African -American and Latino young men who were wrongfully accused in the Central Park Jogger rape case should go down as a hallmark in the history of reckless and inflammatory speech in this country, especially since it is now clearly obvious that the five youths were innocent, and highly likely the victims of a police department that seemed hell bent on finding them guilty, all the while being goaded by the bloodthirsty finger pointing of Donald Trump. It is very interesting, I have heard Republicans go on and on about the violations committed in the Duke La Cross case, but ask them about their support for Trump when they know about this, and they don't even flinch. Trump not only thought these five young men were guilty, he wanted blood. He wanted the state of New York to bring back the death penalty, and despite the ex-post facto clause in the Constitution, barring laws, especially in criminal law, from being used to punish a defendant retro-actively, he wanted the death penalty to apply to them. Five boys who were, after a over a decade in prison, released from prison after the true assailants identity was revealed and it was proven not to be them. After this, Trump wrote an op-ed complaining when the city settled with the defendants. And now Trump is, hat in hand, showing up at African-American churches begging for support, asking to be given the ability, as President, to appoint judges that would do what he demanded the city of New York do back in the 1980s. He wanted blood. We should all wonder and fear just when he should want blood again.