Congress' fix for high-profile hacks is yet another way to grab your private data
Congress' fix for high-profile hacks is yet another way to grab your private data
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Dozens of cybersecurity experts have said that this bill known as the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, or Cisa will do very little to stop high-profile hacks like the government personnel records breach. What it will do is make it a lot easier for private corporations to give your information everything from medical records, shopping history, even GPS tracking data over to the government, even when there is no need to do so.
Defenders of this bill say that this information sharing would be voluntary. But thats only half-true. Companies could volunteer to share your information with the government. But they wouldnt have to ask your permission before handing it over. Instead of being required to filter out private information unrelated to cybersecurity, corporations would be permitted to hand the government large volumes of their customers data, with only a cursory review.
The bill would also create a bizarre double-standard: the government would be prohibited from using this information to police the companies that provided it, but would be free to use it to investigate you for matters unrelated to cybersecurity. The corporations privacy rights would matter more than your privacy rights.
More on CISA:
CISA: the dirty deal between Google and the NSA that no one is talking about | TheHill
Is CISA gift-wrapped for hackers and nation-state actors? | TheHill