World History
Related: About this forumCrash Course new series on world history. Probably more interesting for history teachers than students. But I'll find out, cause when I'm teaching world history next year, I'll be showing these vids to my kids each week.
Below in this discussion thread will be links to the individual installments.

(55,334 posts)Bucky
(55,334 posts)Texas world history curriculum gives short shrift to the Indus Valley Civs. Yes, I know they invented streets and plumbing, but we zip straight from invention of farming to the Fertile Crescent, because the Sumerians invented kicking ass.
(55,334 posts)No love for the Hittites, it appears.
Bonus video...
(55,334 posts)Haven't viewed this one yet. Grades are due by the morning.
Bonus video...
<== probably predictable
(27,773 posts)
(55,334 posts)Look what comes out of that apple in the opening credits... oh my!
(55,334 posts)John Green recastes Indian history. Ha ha, get it? Re-castes

Bonus video: The Life Of The Buddha (Full BBC Documentary- in HQ and in living color)
<== actual size
(55,334 posts)Crowded, but well ordered. How apropos!
Bonus video: If this is Zhōngguó, you must be Billy Joel
(55,334 posts)Greeks vs Persians, Round 3. And now...
Here's the opposing view.
(55,334 posts)Recommended online exploration: Indian Ocean
[font size="4"b]Indian Ocean History[/font]'s a great site to let your students explore!
Recommended companion reader:

(55,334 posts)Romulus and Remus invented man-on-dog, by the way. You're welcome, Senator.
(55,334 posts)Think about it this way: if there was no Christianity, we'd never have had "Jingle Bell Rock"
Here's a more critical take on the whole Jesus is God thing, based on the Didache of the Apostles
And more detail on Emperor Constantine, who after Paul was the second most important Christian in history,
(55,334 posts)Why Rome really fell
(55,334 posts)Bucky
(55,334 posts)Bucky
(55,334 posts)More on the Dark Ages
(55,334 posts)Bonus material: footage of actual Crusaders in action
(55,334 posts)Also... Crash Course bloopers.
and yet no Ed McMahon
(53,521 posts)I remember reading a kids history book when I was little and it had a beautiful illustration of Mansa Musa on the Hajj and the story of him giving away so much gold to poor people it caused inflation! I thought he was cool!
Response to Bucky (Original post)
Bucky This message was self-deleted by its author.
(55,334 posts)Bonus: John Wayne talks to his mama in Mongolian
Another Bonus: John Wayne kisses his wife-to-be in Mongolian
(not recommended for amateurs)
(55,334 posts)Bucky
(55,334 posts)That's ballless as in testicle-free and heavily armed.
Eunuchs, what a barbaric practice. There's no way you'd find people eunuching perfectly healthy males in America, right? Right?
[font size="1"] I'm sorry for posting that.[/font]
(55,334 posts)Bucky
(55,334 posts)More on Zheng He. But don't believe anyone who gives you some crap about 1421. Zheng He never came to America.
(with subtitles for you nonEnglish speakers)
Lucky Luciano
(11,587 posts)Left coast liberal
(1,138 posts)Check out the Vlogbrothers too.
(9,298 posts)You put a great deal of time and energy into this project - you are a true teacher! Only wish I could give you a nice big raise!
(55,334 posts)Some Renny music to chill you out and make you think neoclassical thoughts
Provocative questions about the diffusion of Renaissance culture
A French "gangsteur" hip-hop song called "Le Renaissance"
(55,334 posts)Probably the most important event in Earth history, except that it's not quite an event
(55,334 posts)Technically, part of the Columbian Exchange
Also, this is the "non-fun" video in the series
(55,334 posts)What's this lesson from history got to do with America? Noam Chomsky has a few thoughts...
This is what it looks like on a map
(55,334 posts)And, as with all great movies, the thing you remember is the action sequence. So here's the car chase scene...
(well, it's by a highway anyway)
(55,334 posts)As usual, John puts most of his time into showing how bad ethnocentrism is. Alright, we get it already. One way you can tell the difference between a writer and a teacher is that, at some point, a teacher stops asking leading questions and starts giving the audience room to form their own conclusions. I've only read one of John's books, but I think he's a great writer.
(55,334 posts)Stuff about the Enlightenment
Thom Hartmann tells you the truth about the Boston Tea Party (spoiler: it was a protest against tax breaks, in the form of a bail-out, to a large multinational corporation, the BEIC)
And the truth about the Minute Men
(55,334 posts)The answer to the most obvious question about the Guillotine: does the brain retain consciousness after decapitation?
Editorial note: the French Revolution progressed more or less the way any violent activity would if it was run by the posters from GD.
(55,334 posts)John's new toupee
This is the penultimate episode of the section on the Atlantic Revolutions, which is a category that a lot of people have never heard of. Fortunately, the good people at Wikipedia provide you with a more comprehensive list of revolutions of the Atlantic Revolutions.
You should also have a better overview of the practical impact of the Enlightenment, which was the philosophical basis for all the Atlantic Revolutions. Here it is delivered to you in the form of a horrendous geekgasm:
(55,334 posts)Not enough Bernardo O'Higgins, and the mispronunciations drive me bananas. Or maybe plaintains.
Honestly, I need to look up more sources for this. It's a big topic and John Green for once left me feeling a little dissatisfied.
(55,334 posts)This is where history actually begins. Everything before week 32 is prologue. You could actually start a world history course at 1750 and not miss a damn thing. But that's because the past is prologue. That's a profound observation, Bucky. Maybe I should copyright that.
(55,334 posts)[font size="1"]Marx and Ingalls[/font]