World History
Related: About this forumThe World's Most Popular Gun: The Long Road to the AK-47
The AK-47 has succeeded so wildly because it is almost an ideal realization of the personal firearm: where most weapons have had to contend with tradeoffs between accuracy, lethality, speed of fire, reliability, cost of production, and ease of carrying and use, the AK-47 managed to find a sweet spot maximizing these traits. In fact, the weapon is so reliable, effective, and easy to use by untrained operators that its advent made it widely possible for just about any group, even with little money, modern technology, or formal military training, to mount significant, deadly assaults against a much larger and more advanced force — a fact that has transformed the face of warfare and created a revolutionary romance that still surrounds the weapon.
Kalashnikov takes great trouble to note that the AK-47 grew out of an effort to protect his homeland from a repeat of the sort of barbaric invasion that Hitler unleashed, adding that he did not profit, at least in Western style, from the sales of some 100 million weapons that bear his name (including variants on the AK-47). And yet Kalashnikov seems almost longingly to note the millions of dollars in profits that came to Eugene Stoner from his M16, even as he ostensibly prefers the public acclaim in Russia that was never accorded to Stoner in the United States. That same paradox characterizes Kalashnikov’s occasional regret that his invention became the signature weapon among terrorists and bandits — many of them now deadly enemies of Russia itself — juxtaposed with his pride in the astounding success of a supposedly defensive AK-47. Speaking at a ceremony honoring the sixtieth anniversary of the weapon, he claimed, “I sleep well. It’s the politicians who are to blame for failing to come to an agreement and resorting to violence.”
So what in the end are we to make of the AK-47, given that people ultimately kill one another and design weapons that do it so effectively? A perfect storm of events explains the gun’s lethal role in eroding civilization over the last six decades. The impoverished post-colonial world was eager for the sort of advanced weapons that had characterized a near-century of endemic warfare in the more advanced West, and the Soviet Union was eager to fan liberationist movements against the West. It took the postwar glamour of international communism, the industrial muscle of the Soviet Union, and a Russian genius with no higher education but great practical savvy to at last provide millions with such parity, meeting the requirements of a new arms lethality at very little cost. The result was the tragedy of a global assault rifle that has been crucial to self-described liberationists in furthering so often the cause of tyranny.
Interesting how Kalashnikov himself basicaly says 'meh' when asked about how the weapon has been used. He claims politicians are to blame, not inventors like himself. He's got a point too.

(10,337 posts)"The Gun" by C.J. Chivers. Very well written. His section on the M16 alone as the U.S. answer to the AK is worth the price of admission. I had no idea how rampant the crony capitilisam culture of corruption went so far in sending our troops to fight with a total piece of shit in Vietnam. The whole bunch from the president of Colt on down belong in jail.
Anyway, good read if your'e interested in this sort of thing.
(170 posts)The AR design, due to its tight tolerances (tight tolerances equal better accuracy) and direct gas impingement system, is more prone to fouling and subsequent malfunctions than many other weapons, notably the AK. But if regularly cleaned, it's not that big a deal. A lot of the trouble in Vietnam was due to the Army's belief that it was a "self-cleaning" weapon, and the lack of issued cleaning kits. Lack of training among draftee troops might be another source. But Stoner's basic design is quite sound. ARs require more cleaning than an AK, but they're also more accurate, lighter, and easier to shoot well. When you replace the direct impingement system with a gas piston, which is probably the next step for the US military (HK416), many of the problems go away.
(21,587 posts)there was a late change to the powder composition that resulted in increased fouling when deployed in Viet Nam
Despite the rhetoric you do need to give an AK some maintenance or it will become just a paperweight. Having used both weapons, I will always choose Mr. Stoner's design over Comrade Kalashnikov's for the points you list above.
(27,773 posts)...the politicians would not be able to abuse the invention.