Related: About this forumHas anyone had problems with deer eating their tomato plants?
This year, after over 30 years of having a garden in the same spot, they literally ate off every shoot that grew outside my wire cages and nosed in to reach more and actually eat the tomatoes.
I hate to consider a fenced garden after all these years, but deer seem to have browsed off everything from new growth on roses to hosta leaves and shrubs.
Do we simply have a population explosion of deer or have they just "discovered" tomatoes?

(64,188 posts)He is a tomato expert. Might have ideas for you.
(33,054 posts)Last edited Sun Aug 14, 2022, 03:53 PM - Edit history (1)
Hosta plants to keep deer away.,ground%20around%20newly%20growing%20plants
(2,234 posts)We tried many different things to deter them but, about three years ago, we just finally gave up on gardening. Damn things even mowed down my garlic.
(16,390 posts)Gave them away.
Here is some useful info on eating habits of deer:
(1,077 posts)Siwsan
(27,460 posts)So far the plant are untouched. None of my garden plants, flowering or fruiting, have been touched.
I don't think they are every night visitors but I'm thinking about getting one of those solar powered motion detecting lights and putting it on my garden barn.
They will eat many things... They are browsers and will roam around taking a bite of this and that, if it tastes good to them they will eat more if not they will move on to the next plant and try it out..etc.I have found where they wandered through a patch of Zucchini and taken a small nibble out of half of them.
You will find as many theories as to how to deter them as there are gardeners, some work most don't, what works one day won't work the next...Our garden has an 8 foot fence around it and that does work.We have been "gardening' for a longtime, we raise almost all of our own food for our little homestead with 2 families here and ran a nursery for about 10 years.We tried almost everything you can imagine and the fencing is the only thing that really worked.
(1,077 posts)I have 5 handsome young bucks in my garden area almost every day. My garden plants are covered in netting and in some cases fenced with chicken wire. I cannot put up a decent fence, ie one tall and substantial enough to keep the deer out, due to HOA restrictions. The netting has been pretty successful but what a pain in the nether regions to get into it for harvesting, etc. There is nothing that will repel deer and other critter with much success other than physical barrier. I will say however the 5 bucks are very handsome and healthy looking. Soon they will be in rut and looking for sweet young does - time to protect the trees from their antler rubbing.
The rabbits have been especially prolific this year also. 🤨
(7,934 posts)And deers eating everything else.
(430 posts)Fencing is the only thing that works, tall enough so they can't jump over it. I also have 2 dogs that love chasing them off if they come too close.
I have a tall thick hedge in my front yard, added gates on walkways. I had to remove about 25 feet of the hedge for a new well, that section is replanted but it will be awhile before that fills in. The deer loved the access, so I strung a lot of garden twine between the new buckthorns from just above ground up to 5' or so. When they walked into it, it stopped them and they haven't tried to break the lines. Eventually the twine falls apart, so I replace lines as needed. Haven't had any in that yard since.
(10,567 posts)Next year I found it seeds had gone everywhere in the garden. Many tomato insect pests were repelled by the garlic. But the bees still came and did not even sting me in retaliation.
I do not know about deer and other pesky animals, if smell can deter them.
perhaps some very hot peppers as a barrier?
(39,205 posts)Costs 28 a bottle but lasts for freaking forever. Or last I purchased it; maybe inflation raised it a bit.
It's also good for other pests, like groundhogs. Nontoxic, organic. Basically concentrated mint, if memory serves me correctly. Works great on hostas.
Doesn't wash off. Only apply once every 5-6 weeks.
Spray early in the season and they get the idea that the plant just tastes bad and they don't come back.
I have tons of deer back here in this woods I live in. Even in the more residential areas, the deer walk down the sidewalk, going house to house. Yes, they do this on busy streets.
I have a couple pictures I'm going to post.
(15,804 posts)long ago. Gave up. Plant flowers in pots on my deck and fenced in area that they dont bother with. Gave up on vegetables a long time ago. We have so many different types of animals that come in our yard its not worth it. I actually love the animals that visit our yard. They can be quite entertaining.