Related: About this forumJust planted the Sweet Alyssum. Despite some rain, the ground is almost like concrete! (Michigan)
Less than the top inch of the soil shows any moisture and that's because we've finally had some showers, over the past few hours. What we need is a good, extended rain.
It's just been a weird Spring. We went from freeze warnings to temps in the 80's, just over the past 3 weeks.
We rototilled the veg garden, yesterday, so a REALLY good soak, now, will make planting so much easier, next week. Otherwise I'll be using a hammer and chisel to break into the soil!

(8,092 posts)Particularly the SE corner.
(27,460 posts)I figured we were in some sort of drought because I was able to mow my back lot FAR earlier than usual. I've had to wait as long as the end of May to mow, because of standing water. This year I was mowing it in mid-April.
(36,217 posts)Ohio has two seasons, hot and cold. As is typical, we went from winter straight to summer once again.
The ground is like cement, here, too. Makes for difficult gardening. I feel your pain!
(35,080 posts)Chance of light showers all week.
Even my sand yard is a little hard. Mowed a little last week and I looked like a dust cloud going across the yard.
This morning had a nice big puddle at the end of the driveway. Gone now.
(27,460 posts)Not complaining about that, though. I just want to get my garden planted without having to rely on a heating pad, afterwards. Or, during.
Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)It will not stop raining here! Rain and clouds since May 1st.
I thought I was gonna cry this morning when I woke up to rain for the umpteenth day in a row. They promised we would see the sun this weekend!
My basement is wet. My clothes feel damp. My hair wont dry. My husband and dogs are grumpy.
Im gonna start gathering the animals two by two.
(27,460 posts)One morning I woke up to the street in front of the house being flooded FAR too deep to drive though. I'm on a corner at the bottom of a slope so I did have the option to drive over my lawn, to a higher point and then deal with the lawn ruts, later.
Then, within a space of maybe 15 minutes, the water was gone! I finally figured out that Winter debris had probably been blocking the storm drains, and that debris broke loose.
I also think that was the year I finally mowed the back lot at the VERY end of May. The grass was almost too tall for my lawn tractor.
(8,092 posts)Yeah
(27,460 posts)This should make planting the veg garden SO much easier.