Related: About this forumQuite a splash of color going on in my front garden, this morning
I think this is one of the best and bountiful early Spring gardens I've ever had.

(153,134 posts)All those flowers!
You have a beautiful garden.
(27,460 posts)I have flowers from early Spring until late Autumn, but these first ones never fail to brighten my day.
I definitely need to do some thinning and transplanting, although I'm running out of garden space!
(1,257 posts)riversedge
(74,470 posts)Siwsan
(27,460 posts)Couldn't finish the back lot because it's still a bit spongy. Last night's rain won't help that situation any so I'll be taking the mulching guard off of the rider mower.
It looks like our temps are going to be very seasonal, for the near future, anyway. Still, I'm NOT storing the snow blower, just yet.
(74,470 posts)before spring comes. It has 2times already so I am just waiting for the 3rd time--.
(122,596 posts)Diamond_Dog
(36,217 posts)I wish I had planted some bulbs last fall.
(18,998 posts)I look forward to seeing more pics all through the summer and fall!
(8,781 posts)Certainly brightened up my morning.
(72,174 posts)no one needs to name one for me. that's not it.
it's that it is in a bucket full of 5-10 minute tasks, all of equal or greater importance. le sigh.
but maybe when all the new bulbs i planted last year start blooming, i will take the kick in the ass.
my dutchman's britches got spread around in the process, and they are blooming, as is the forsythia.
been a gorgeous week here. yesterday i had to go out after only 1 cup of coffee to shoot the blooms on my fruit trees.
sooooo needed to get out there. dont think i have ever been as happy to see spring.
The Roux Comes First
(1,634 posts)I can almost smell the grapes! Do you know what variety of iris these are? Pretty fetching.
We are just beginning to feel our way around the much smaller garden in our new yard. Held back from putting in bulbs (though I did indulge in a few bearded iris) until we see what might already be in place.
(27,460 posts)I now realize that I have to do a whole lot of thinning, this year.
(11,693 posts)in the front to rival Wordsworth's poem. The year I moved in we planted 750 mixed bulbs, everything you can name. The tulips didn't last and the hyacinths got eaten by squirrels, who are apparently very fond of them. But oh, the daffodils and crocus! The next year we put out over 1000 and I added a few goodies, including some species tulips, some of which hung on, and the little crested iris, which are among the first things to bloom, always surprising me. The daffies are now in full bloom EVERYWHERE, front and back, and the bluebells have started, as have the grape hyacinths, which just live in the lawn. The bloodroot will show up this week, I'm sure, and the leucojum have started. I love springtime here!
(27,460 posts)7 out of 8, at last count, have Daffs.
I've got 4 varieties of Daffodils but want to get more. Mine are the classic yellow, a solid cream, a cream with a yellow corona and one with white petals and a bright orange corona.
My tulips are just starting to open. I've got red, yellow, pink, and a red with a yellow hi-light. I HAD a beautiful purple one but it seems to have disappeared.
The Narcissus should be blooming, by the end of the week. That fragrance is absolutely heavenly.
(11,693 posts)of our daffodils have "gone rogue" and left the flowerbeds behind. We can't mow until they, the grapies, and the bluebells are all done.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)Beautiful.
(12,388 posts)wendyb-NC
(4,112 posts)Thank you, for sharing that photo.
(95,919 posts)And they are all coming up but we're having a second blast of winter for the next week at least and I wonder how most of our bulbs will do. It was 65F yesterday at 4:30 pm, 90 minutes later it was 36F and snowing. I have onions in a cold frame sort of thing outside, I hope they make it through the week as it isn't going to get above 45F all week and down into the upper 20s at night.
We're getting the full brunt of the arctic blast soon to overwhelm the rest of the northern half of the country in coming days.
Love your flowers. I'll enjoy yours now since I'm not so sure my bulbs will do well this year.
(27,460 posts)As for Daffs, I actually had some in full bloom, a few years back, when another blast of Winter hit, and they survived the ice and snow, just fine. I think Tulips are a little more sensitive, but again, we just had some really cold, frosty nights and my Tulips are doing great.
This really is one of the best blooms I can remember. Maybe Mother Nature figured I needed something positive, in my life. Of course, she was spot on.
(9,223 posts)rownesheck
(2,343 posts)Everything I've tried to plant turns dead and brown within weeks. I've got a black thumb.
(3,459 posts)Paz!
(29,540 posts)What a treat.
(11,897 posts)I've had to try to eradicate the bluebells from my yard. They are pernicious, and spread like a pandemic. Another weird thing they do...or at least, it seems to me it's what they do. I have no other way to explain it.
Every year, their roots pull the bulbs deeper and deeper into the soil. I have no other theory to explain how I've found their bulbs more than 18" deep.