DIY & Home Improvement
Related: About this forumAny recommendations for 'discreet' wifi front door security cameras?
I'm looking at 'Blink' and 'Ring'. I don't necessarily want a doorbell camera - just something with a motion detector alert that will show the area around the front door.

Response to Siwsan (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(72,174 posts)couple hundred bucks. you should be able to network it.
Response to mopinko (Reply #2)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(27,458 posts)Install it on my garden barn, overlooking the back of the house.
(72,174 posts)has a little webcam.
got it for xmas, so dont know how much it cost.
(24,961 posts)idea too. Thanks for suggesting!
(6,156 posts)because the burglar will not even realize she is being recorded on camera.
Instead get a motion detector activated sound of a big dog barking.
Barking dogs are what discourages burglars. She will not know if it is a real dog,
but will not take a chance confronting a large dog.
Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)Its evidence. A barking dog inside the house wont stop porch pirates.
(6,156 posts)porch pirates. There are enough serious crimes out there (murder, rape, armed robbery) to keep them busy. So unless YOU recognize the burglar, it is pretty much useless evidence.
Hassin Bin Sober
(26,944 posts)This came to mind
(27,458 posts)I live in a single story ranch house. And it seems that a doorbell camera would be very easily foiled. Yea, if it went dark, I wouldn't be going to the door, but I'd rather just have a camera, maybe above the door.
And I definitely don't want some loud barking noise suddenly jarring my already frazzled nerves, every time someone comes to the door.
(6,156 posts)you should be glad to hear a barking dog and be jarred out of slumber.
Besides the most common burglar entry is from a 1st story window. Not too many break down the front door. And if you have a sliding glass door in the back of house, that can easily be jimmied open with a cheap pry bar. Install a metal rod at mid level height for added security.
And every ground floor window should have a magnetic alarm. Those are not expensive.
From my reading, a lighted house is a good defense. Install motion activated light bulbs around the house. Those are not expensive either.
(27,458 posts)And I do have iron bars in the tracks of the sliding windows and door, and security flip locks on the entry doors and even the basement door. The new windows I had installed all of little security flip bars that only allow the windows to be open about 2 inches.
My whole security search was triggered by the return of my 'quasi-stalker'. I've told her, up front and in no uncertain terms, and for many, MANY legitimate reasons, to leave me alone and to stop pestering my family to intervene but every few years she starts up, again. Before I moved and changed my phone number, she'd watch my coming and going, send me drippy letters and call, crying that she misses me. I don't think she's dangerous or a threat to anything other than my mental health but any contact will just start the whole thing over, again.
This individual has now enlisted her son in her quest to get back in touch. I've had to block him and his sister on Facebook. He has a history of what we will call bad behavior, in his younger days. He might, now, be a stellar citizen but I watch far too much Discovery ID TV shows and know situations like this can take a bad, unexpected turn.
Hope you forgive my 'over sharing'!
(6,156 posts)you already have a porch light. Most homes have an outside light and an inside porch light.
For less than $3, you can buy a radar operated light bulb which simply screws into existing socket. Buy a pack of 3 or 4 ($12) of those on eBay or Amazon or Home Depot web sites and screw them in every outside existing light socket. They work great. I even have those in my hallway so when I get up at night to pee or get a drink of water, it lights up automatically. These light bulbs shut themselves off during daylight.
What is good about radar based motion detector bulbs is they do not need direct line of sight.
For example my hallway light bulb can not be seen from my bedroom door. But as soon as I walk out of the bedroom door, at night, the bulb lights up. Then after a short time it automatically shuts off. Until it detects more motion from me or anyone else.
If interested, do a search on eBay using "radar motion detector bulb".
(27,458 posts)Thanks!
(6,156 posts)If there is no motion, they stay off saving me electricity.
They are extremely sensitive to motion during dark and range is very good.
And during the day they stay off automatically, so I just leave the switch on all the time.
I think these radar based bulbs are relatively new on the market.
And best part for you is you won't have to buy a gadget and "install" it.
Because these are simply replacement bulbs for your existing bulbs.
(24,961 posts)Siwsan
(27,458 posts)I've been living with this situation hanging over my head for years, now. Things quiet down for long stretches, and then I get contacted, again. I've run out of ways to say 'leave me alone' so if I get a 'home visit', I'll give one trespass warning and then take legal measures.
Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)Plan on adding more as I go. They work quite well. My first one is 2 years old and the original batteries finally died last month. Motion sensor works good. Notifications to the phone is nice, and the new XT2 model has talkback capabilities. Super easy to install and setup, as well.
(3,048 posts)I have the newer model with sound, but I wasn't sure about the battery truly lasting 2 years like they claimed, so I have them coming on at 9pm & going off at 3am (I am up at that time).
Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)Only records with motion.
(3,048 posts)Liberty Belle
(9,648 posts)I don't yet have a system, but a lot of our neighbors do. They can send footage to police if it shows a crime or something suspicious.
Package thieves and mail thieves have been caught this way. It could also provide leads for investigating burglaries in a neighborhood. On the NextDoor forum online, neighbors also warn others if there is someone suspicious, such as people who appear to be casing a house.
You can set it up to view remotely, too, as I recall, so if you are at work and see someone messing with your home you can notify the cops.
Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)Ring requires monthly fees, however.
(27,458 posts)That's kind of where I'm leaning but thought I'd see if there are other options, too. I just want something small that isn't obvious or as easy to tinker with as, to my mind, a doorbell assembly would be.
Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)My wife mentioned that when I mounted it. Scared someone would steal it. I said wed at least have video of the crime as it would be recording to the cloud during the theft.
(27,458 posts)I think she said they installed theirs above the door.
Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)One above the front door, one above the garage door.
In a few months Im gonna add a third one to the back porch to cover my two sliding glass doors.
(27,458 posts)My niece said one of their friends has one installed on their roadside mailbox that covers their front yard and front of their house.
(108,333 posts)
(27,458 posts)
(108,333 posts)I think it is a bullsnake (nonvenomous) but I can't be sure. Apparently, those cameras produce enough heat to attract. watch all the way to the end.
(607 posts)My nest doorbell/camera recognizes people as well as packages being left or picked up. It also allows me to talk to the person at the door as well as just listen. All is recorded and retrievable.
(27,458 posts)Thanks!
(35,078 posts)Google cheap home security. Great ideas.
(27,458 posts)About the only way to gain access, at night, would be shattering a window.
My concern is seeing who is at the front door, before they see me. I have a bit of a what I think of as a 'quasi-stalker' situation that has just flared up, again. I was living pretty incognito, but I re-filed the quit claim deed on this house, taking off my aunt, mother and sister (all deceased) and putting my name as the primary owner.
This person isn't dangerous. Just emotionally unstable and incredibly and persistently intrusive, delusional and annoying. And any contact will just make things even more stressful.
Miguelito Loveless
(4,836 posts)I have been using Blink cameras for several years now and they have worked fine.
(27,458 posts)People who know me well understand that I have been a prolific worrier. I'm getting better, but still have the occasional relapse.
I am 99.999% sure I'm going to buy a Blink and then we will just put it where it gives me the best viewing area.
Miguelito Loveless
(4,836 posts)So, anyone trying to disable it will set it to record. You would then get a text telling you it had tripped and you could then view the video clip. I have been using it about 3 years now, and all I have ever seen are sundry wildlife, Jehovahs Witnesses, Mormons, meter readers, and amusingly, people trying to sell me home security systems.
I also use Samsungs Smartthings hub, which control lights, motion sensors, locks and door sensors. All tied to my familys phones. Doors lock when we leave, unlock when we arrive.
(27,458 posts)but any Democratic candidate is welcome. It might be fun to capture the looks on their faces, when they read the note. My state rep took a photo of it.
(15,013 posts)Only activated after sunset... I think it was someone that lived next to a popular bar. Kids would use his ally to pee.. He also hooked up a motion activated camera to watch the fun!1
I would put up a big dummy (ie cheap)camera and a door bell camera would deter the perp.. They see the dummy, disable it.. all the while the door bell camera takes their pic....YMMV.
(27,458 posts)It is fenced in, but sometimes munching critters get past the defense line.
(15,013 posts)Siwsan
(27,458 posts)I was lucky, this year. Nothing but tomato worms gave me grief. Last year I was dealing with a ground hog and a rabbit. Fortunately I finally was able to find and reinforce the weak spots in the fence line.
Actually, for the first time since I started gardening, here, I didn't see a single ground hog, this year. I checked with my neighbors, and they didn't see any, either. I'm wondering if the torrential spring rains flooded the burrows at birthing time.
(8 posts)You can buy the Seanme Motion Sensor Alarm.