DIY & Home Improvement
Related: About this forumDo any DUers have a Hydro-Sil wall mounted electric heater?
I have had mine for many years. Lifetime guarantee. Having some funny problems and need advice.
Guess what? Out of business according to my searches.
It is a 70 inch wall mounted, hard wired heating unit that is used to heat one room addition to my house. Very expensive to operate but the oil company cannot access this area so I have no choice.
I am wondering if there in an alternative to this (1500 Watt) baseboard unit that could do the job.
I will get through this winter but am not sure this unit is safe anymore. It is making strange clicking noises and seems to be emitting some kind of particulate that had dirtied my curtains and walls.
Need any advice you can give. Funds are limited so I must be careful as I look for something the cost of an electrician is through the roof in my area. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

(26,366 posts)is on that circuit). You can get one of those oil-filled electric plug in radiators for about
Wash. state Desk Jet
(3,426 posts)And you don't need a 70" base board heater to heat your addition. You need to know the sq. footage of your room, and is it 220v or 110 v. Is your thermostat a on board the unit or is it a wall mount ? You don't need a 70" replacement base board heater, those old do dads by it's design wastes electricity big time. You will save a ton of money by replacing that old heater.
The new stuff is energy efficient. At home depot or wherever you would go to look at replacement heaters, it will tell you on the box what in sq. footage the unit can heat efficiently.
Cost, between $100.00 and $200.00. for the basic replacement. Soft heat is a little more. I just replaced a base board -a 5 footer with wall mount thermostat under $200.00 total with some additional stuff.
It will surprise you when you find out the cost of operation difference between the old style and the new energy efficient electric heaters. We install a lot of in wall forced air heaters as replacements for the baseboards. Cost between $150.00 and $200.00. But a swap out for your baseboard is faster and cheaper to do.
And stop using the old one, it's toast.
And how ya do'en !
Paper Roses
(7,535 posts)I will be turning off the wall mounted oil filled radiator. I knew something was wrong but not what it is. So much for lifetime guarantees.
I have been given a 1350 watt Holmes plug in unit that I will use now that the nasty weather has moderated a little. When summer comes I will have the current wall mounted unit replaced with something safe and more efficient. This will be a good thing for me to do. My electric bill has been through the roof!
Never thought about units that might be more efficient. Just have to find an electrician who will do the job for me at an affordable cost. If the old unit was 'plug-in' there would be no problem but this Hydro-Sil unit is hard wired so I need help. This is beyond my basic skills.
The room is 15X12X7"high. Do you think a 1350 unit (Holmes 3" Baseboard # HBH 5015) will heat this room? The unit was just given to me by a friend who never used it. It is a plug in unit and I can use it for the rest of the heating season. I checked for recalls and there is nothing listed. The unit is not new but has never been used.
All has been well in this neck of the woods. Winter beyond belief; Heating and electric bills through the roof as it is with so many others.
Still thinking about selling this old home but scared to do so. After being in a house for 45 years, the thought of moving scares the devil out of me.
Thanks for all your great advice through the years!
Wash. state Desk Jet
(3,426 posts)The low ceiling is a big plus .1000 watt would do it.
A good handyman in your area should be able to change out your heater for a reasonable price.
Holmes is good.
Actually, I loaned a holmes plug in 3 footer to a tenant when the gas wall mount furnace malfunctioned. The furnace has since been repaired but the guy keeps using the loaner ! Must be cheaper to run! Or maybe the furnace just scares him. A clogged feed line for one of the burners caused the furnace to make loud popping noises ,dam near shook the unit. Had the gas company fix it for free. The tennant has a 16x's 20 room and another 8x 10 kitchen plus a hallway and bathroom. I loaned him two heaters, both plug in, one fan driven the other the base board.
He tells me most of the time he uses only the baseboard if that tells you anything. He keeps it between the kitchen /living room opening. It's a basement unit with low ceiling so it stays warm.
I assume your oil filled runs on 220 watt ,is that right ?
Wash. state Desk Jet
(3,426 posts)Paper Roses
(7,535 posts)I will Google to see who might sell this unit in my area. The current one is off. Don't know whether it is 220V or not. I am still looking for the original paperwork to see.
I definitely need an electrician to do the replacement as the unit is hard wired. Tomorrow I will try the other unit I was given to see if that will keep me going until the warmer weather. The units shown are very much like the one I have and would fit the spot allocated.
I'd hire you in a minute if you were on the east coast. Planning to move? I'll freeze while waiting.
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