Quick and Simple Vegan German Potato Salad-Inspired Recipe (video)
This week we got some really amazing purple potatoes from a local farmer, and we wanted to do this delightful potato salad inspired by a German potato salad. The biggest difference is that the German potato salad frequently or typically includes bacon, but this version is completely vegan. It's nice and zingy with the vinegar and grainy mustard, and you could even spice it up a little with either some cayenne sprinkled in, or even some pickled jalapenos diced finely and mixed in with everything.
The fresh herbs are really the key to this one. If you don't have all of the fresh herbs we use here, you can switch up the flavour profile with things like cilantro, basil, or chervil. Variations on this recipe are frequently served warm or even hot, but we find that this one is better if it's had time to chill for an hour or so in the fridge before serving. The hot version is a little different, and we'll probably make a video about that sometime in the future, because it is also delicious.
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