Related: About this forumCivil War tragedy
Most of my Civil War participant ancestors are on my Mom's side and they were all Confederates. On my Dad's side in his direct line the men of the right age were burdened with families or were too young or too old to serve. I've been research axillary lines, trying to find out where a patriarch lived since he doesn't show up on the census where I know he lived.
I found a distant cousin, George Clayton Hoagland, born in March 1847 in Union Springs, Cayuga County, New York. He enlisted in the 111th New York Regiment in 1861 - at the age of 14 - and died in Wilderness, Virginia (now West Virginia) in 1864 at seventeen. Along the way, his regiment fought at Gettysburg. Far too young to see such horrors and then die.
One Hundred and Eleventh Infantry.Cols., Jesse Segoine, C. Dugald McDougall, Lewis W. Husk; Lieut-Cols., Clinton D. Mc-Dougall, Seneca B. Smith, Isaac M. Lusk, Aaron P. Seeley, Lewis W. Husk, Sidney Mead; Majs., Seneca B. Smith, Isaac M. Lusk, James H. Hinman, Lewis W. Husk, Joseph W. Corning, Sidney Mead, Reuben J. Meyers. No regiment sent out by the state saw harder service than the gallant 111th. It was organized at Auburn from companies recruited in the counties of Cayuga and Wayne, the Twenty-fifth senatorial district-and was mustered into the U. S. service, Aug. 20, 1862. It left the city the following day for Harper's Ferry, where it had the misfortune to be surrendered with that ill-fated garrison the following month. The men were paroled at Camp Douglas, Chicago, and in Dec., 1862, were declared exchanged and went into winter quarters at Centerville, Va. Later the regiment was assigned to the 3d (Alex. Hays') brigade, Casey's division, 22nd corps, where it remained until June, 1863. Col. Fox, in his account of the three hundred fighting regiments, speaking of the 111th, says: "On June 25, 1863, the brigade joined the 2nd corps which was then marching by on its way to Gettysburg. The regiment left two companies on guard at Accotink bridge; with the remaining eight companies, numbering 390 men, it was engaged at Gettysburg on the second day of the battle, in the brilliant and successful charge of Willard's brigade, losing 58 killed, 177 wounded, and 14 missing; total, 249. The regiment did some more good fighting at the Wilderness, where. it lost 42 killed, 119 wounded, and 17 missing; total, 178over half of its effective strength. Its casualties in the fighting around Spottsylvania amounted to 22 killed, 37 wounded, and 13 missing. From Gettysburg until the end, the regiment fought under Hancock in the 2nd corps, participating in every battle of that command. While on the Gettysburg campaign, and subsequently at Bristoe Station, Mine Run and Morton's ford, the regiment was attached to the 3d brigade, 3d division (Alex. Hayes'). Just before the Wilderness campaign it was placed in Frank's (3d) brigade, Barlow's (1st) division. This brigade was composed entirely of New York troops, the 39th, 111th, 125th, and 126th, to which were added in April, 1864, the 52nd and 57th, and later on, the 7th N. Y.; all crack fighting regiments." The regiment lost 81 killed and wounded during the final Appomattox campaign. It was mustered out near Alexandria, Va., June 3, 1865. The regiment bore an honorable part in 22 great battles. Its total enrollment during service was 1,780, of whom 10 officers and 210 men were killed and mortally wounded; its total of 220 killed and died of wounds is only exceeded by four other N. Y. regimentsthe 69th, 40th, 48th and 121stand is only exceeded by 24 other regiments in the Union armies. It lost 2 officers and 177 men by disease and other causestotal deaths, 404 of whom 2 officers and 74 men died in Confederate prisons.

(60,025 posts)Genealogy is such a big thing down here in the South, and it has taken me a few decades to appreciate the importance of it, given the history of the South.
(34,189 posts)In Mom's family there were a lot of men killed and maimed. One ancestor lost him arm and one of Mom's uncles remembered him working on the farm with just one arm and a stump. My great great grandfather died in a Union prisoner of war camp when his only son was six weeks old - he never saw his child.
I grew up with the genealogy, so many of these stories were about people that I came to know in a sense. That's why when I find a new story for the family history I get excited.
And you're right about the South - lots of times when you go to a new town, the first thing they want to know is who your "people" are so they can place you in the right social level.
(4,482 posts)We took a guided tour of the battlefield last summer. With all the calvary and dead in the heat of July, the stench must have been unbelievable.
(34,189 posts)When I was 12-13 we went to the New York World's Fair and stopped by Williamsburgh, Washington and some other historic sites. Most of the places we went I collected brochures and a picture or two. But I only had one roll of film for the entire trip so there were few pics.
But I don't remember stopping by Gettysburg and I think I would have, even though it's been way too long.
(3,908 posts)His brother Corwin 16, was wounded that night and died in 1895 as a result of those wounds. Their father, my gggrandfather signed the paper for Walter to enlist and it was said ended the marriage but he never got a divorce. I descend from the next wife, a Quaker. When she found out what had happened she left him too but my ggrandfather Edwin was by then old enough to stay with his father. Ggrandpa died in 1912 from his service during the Spanish American War but he reconciled with his mother before his death.
From Corwin's obituary
'Corwin D Scott was born Jan 25th 1848 in Warren Co, Penn and at an early age with his parents went to Wisc. In March 1864 being only 16 years old enlisted in the 39th Wisconsin infantry, on Jan 18th, 1864 was wounded at the battle of Petersburg (disability discharge).'
(34,189 posts)Thanks for sharing that, though.