and it strikes me as so restrictive that most people won't be able to stick to it. I have lost 35 lbs. since January by staying on a loose sort of Atkins-style diet that eliminates most but not all carbs (you need some). Since I self-isolated in early March I've been ordering all my groceries on-line so I'm not tempted to buy food with a lot of carbs and sugars. I've cut out baked goods and breads; if I want a sandwich I use low-carb tortillas instead of bread. I eat a lot of eggs, cheese, and meat or fish (especially salmon), as well as vegetables like asparagus and spinach; and high-fat stuff like mayonnaise is OK on Atkins. I also have been drinking low-carb protein shakes as a substitute for a meal. Once I lost enough weight that my knees didn't hurt anymore I started walking at least a mile every day. I don't know how this kind of diet, such as it is, would affect a pre-diabetic condition but it's so low-carb that it would probably be OK. It has been working well for me and I haven't felt this good in years. I'd like to lose another 15-20 lbs so I'll stick with it.