Weight Loss/Maintenance
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(39,346 posts)Like a lot of people I was inspired to buy a juicer and start juicing. I'm only part-time, but I want to do a full time juice after the new year when diet temptations are low. A lot of the reasoning/science behind why this works can be found in the books/works of Joel Fuhrman, MD. He is a proponent of micronutrition through plant based whole foods: greens, reds, oranges, purples, etc and nuts. Stay away from the "white" foods like pasta, and grains. Get enough micronutrients and you will be satisfied and lose weight. Neither are connected in any way, but they are saying the same things.
Gret doc and he's a very engaging host. If you want you can follow both on FaceBook, as I am.
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead: http://www.facebook.com/FatSickandNearlyDead?ref=ts
Dr. Joel Fuhrman http://www.facebook.com/drfuhrman?ref=ts&sk=wall
(23,211 posts)but the film was great fun and good inspiration just to change habits in order to get healthier... I particularily enjoyed watching the trucker (I think his name was Phil) get healthy... what an inspiration!
I absolutely advocate Dr. Furhman's plan... have cut out all processed food, eat primarily vegetables (some fruit) and only eat steamed salmon once in awhile...
my experience and what many others say is that once the initial cleanse is done with and you maintain (no processed food), the cravings go away and it really isn't a problem sticking to the plan of eating just good, healthy food.
(27,985 posts)mama
(177 posts)I watched this movie just last weekend, found it on Amazon Prime free and thought it sounded interesting. Serendipitously, just earlier in the day I had seen a juicer at the Goodwill store. I was interested enough to invest $12 dollars to experiment with it, so I rushed back and bought it.
I do not agree with juice fasting, but as way to get extra nutrients, it's great. But you do not get fiber when juicing, it's left behind. I know some people use the pulp, but I haven't experimented with that yet.
The best surprise, many of the juices are really delicious!
(1,140 posts)We watched it a while back and did a short juice fast. I wish I could do the two months but I just couldn't do it. We try to juice once a day, great way to get in your greens.
(23,211 posts)1 day is always better than none and short time is better than no time... I don't have juicer (working on the road and all) but I have gone all non-processed... loving it!
(4,277 posts)Recommend it to everyone! Began flirting with juicing Oct 1. Was going to go full bore however took a
detour to Zuccotti Park for a few days and wasn't sure I could maintain. A few week later after a yoga retreat
where I consumed a vegetarian diet, started green smoothies almost every morning and have moved towards
a gourmet raw food diet. (Had Turkey on the holiday, eat Cod, oysters) Eating like a pig! Lost 10 lbs without
My partner lost 20 lbs- his cholesterol has dropped and no more threats of meds from the doctor regarding that.
I use a Vitamix and LOVE it. I'm all in. Making my own almond milk- bought the dehydrator, have a spiralizer- Its
a lifestyle change forever for me.
Have so much more energy eating this way.
Bought copies to give for x-mas gifts.
(23,211 posts)
(4,277 posts)It's dropped into NORMAL levels! Shit! 2 years ago his urologist wanted him to have
his prostrate removed!
Have you read the China Study by Campbell? He believes dairy and red meat (more than
5 % of your daily intake) can cause/ accelerate cancer.
(15,667 posts)It seems to me that juicing it is "processing" it in an unnecessary way? But then again what do I know!
(23,211 posts)"The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends two to three cups of vegetables a day, depending on your sex, age and activity level. The benefits of eating your vegetables are far reaching and not surprising. However, many adults do not consume enough vegetables to reap the benefits. Juicing is defined as separating the juice of the vegetable from the pulp in order to create juice, according to the About Juicers website. For some, this is a much easier way to get the recommended amount of vegetables daily..."
It's the concentration of nutrients...
(15,667 posts)My dad had borderline diabetes and he was told the whole fruit is better b/c it slows down the spike to your blood sugar. He told him to lay off the orange juice but he could still eat oranges.
(23,211 posts)and diabetes... though, fresh squeezed is in a different category than store bought OJ and not detrimental to one's health if there is a concern about insulin/diabetes
"...Havent you ever wondered why every glass of Tropicana Pure Premium orange juice tastes the same, no matter where in the world you buy it or what time of year youre drinking it in? Or maybe your brand of choice is Minute Maid or Simply Orange or Floridas Natural. Either way, I can ask the same question. Why is the taste and flavor so consistent? Why is it that the Minute Maid never tastes like the Tropicana, but always tastes like its own unique beverage?
Generally speaking, beverages that taste consistently the same follow recipes. Theyre things like Coca Cola or Pepsi or a Starbucks Frappuccino. When you make orange juice at home, each batch tastes a little different depending on the oranges you made it from. I hope youre hearing warning bells in your head right about now. The reason your store bought orange juice is so consistently flavorful has more to do with chemistry than nature..."
Boudica the Lyoness
(2,899 posts)It was a big expense for me back then, but I loved it and used it several times a day for years. Seeing this clip reminds me that I need go back to my more healthy eating habits.
I still have my Panasonic juicer and am still a vegetarian, although I eat too much junk food these days and I'm paying the price.
Thanks for posting the clip.
Still Blue in PDX
(1,999 posts)Perfect. I'll watch it tonight!
(39,346 posts)He's an engaging host. Enjoy!