the feeling if say, you are in pain I felt a really bad hunger and I had just eaten so I really tried to feel the hunger, (he says these feelings stay because we resist them) and within a couple minutes I was not hungry at all!
Yes I definitely do think relaxation works and also visualization. I have been telling myself what weight I want to be as "I weight 165" instead of "I'm going to weight 165", (which is about 10 pounds higher than I really want to be but it is a marker for me now).
And as I just posted in another thread that I started on this board I bought the coupons for Nutra-system today. I believe if we believe something we will make it come true. I wasn't thinking about that affirmation but somehow I just saw an advertisement of something and decided to do something about it.
I hope you understand what I am saying because I feel like I am talking in circles. To make it clearer many years ago I had to lose a lot of weight also and I started doing a Louis Hey exercise that was kind of like admitting that I was responsible for my situation and I would not continue with the negative self thoughts that created it anymore.
Well after that I found out about a holistic doctor that someone suggested would help with the asthma I had. He put me on a food allergy diet and I lost so much weight and had no problem at all!
I guess it is a matter on intention too. If you intend that the meditation will remove your cravings then it will!
My 2 cents again!