Nebraska congressman 'glitter-bombed' by pro-choice campaigners
Nebraska congressman 'glitter-bombed' by pro-choice campaigners
Someone opposed to restrictions on abortion sent a Nebraska congressman an envelope full of glitter, and it went everywhere.
A hot pink envelope containing glitter with a fake return address was sent to Congressman Jeff Fortenberry’s Lincoln office this week. The messy prank is known as “glitter-bombing” – although there’s no threat of an explosion or physical danger as with a real bomb.
“Congrats!” read a note on “Glitter Bombs for Choice” letterhead included with the glitter. “You’ve earned this for trying to deny women their right to choice. Mind your own uterus. Love, GBFC.”
Fortenberry released a statement condemning the “tactics”.
“Anyone is free to disagree with me, but to resort to these tactics in a heightened threat environment is reckless and a waste of precious law enforcement resources,” the statement said.
More from Guardian
I agree w/ him. It is a waste of resources to investigate a glitter bomb.