Carly Fiorina Lying Fresh New Lies About Planned Parenthood Because Of Course
If her lips are moving ...
Carly Fiorina Lying Fresh New Lies About Planned Parenthood Because Of Course
Carly Fiorina Is Lying, And Everyone Knows It. Even Fox News.
Carly Fiorina, remember when she was Hot Stuff? Not so much these days. However, as she is still technically a presidential candidate, and the Constitution requires 103 percent of all Sunday morning blah blah talk show guests to be Republicans, Fiorina appeared on Fox News Sunday on Fox News, Sunday, to flap her facehole at Chris Wallace about the fatal shooting last week at a Colorado Planned Parenthood. Were there lies coming out of Fiorinas persona, even though Wallace hisself already pointed out to Fiorina in September what a lying liar she is? Duh, of course there were. Collect them all!
CHRIS WALLACE: You have been one of the toughest critics, as weve said, of Planned Parenthoods alleged harvesting of body parts, selling them for fetal research. [
FIORINA: First, it is not alleged. Planned Parenthood acknowledged several weeks ago they would no longer take compensation for body parts, which sounds like an admission they were doing so.
Yeah, yeah, we remember when Carly Fiorina first insisted to Fox News that Planned Parenthoods decision to no longer accept reimbursement for the cost of harvesting and donating fetal tissue amounted to an admission that the butchers of Planned Parenthood were stealing LIVE BABY PARTS from LIVE BABIES!!! and selling them on the black market for fun and profit and poops and guffaws. And its still as not true now as it was then. Except its even more not true, as even more states have completed their investigations into the allegations yes, Carly, allegations against Planned Parenthood and determined them to be STANKY BULLSHARTS.
Say some more lies, Carly:
The vast majority of Americans agree, what Planned Parenthood is doing is wrong. And thats why the vast majority of Americans are prepared not only to defund Planned Parenthood, but also to stop abortion for any reason after five months.
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