Exercise and Fitness
Related: About this forumLow-carb diets may burn the most calories
I have made an effort to eat low on the glycemic index since I was in my mid-twenties and had serious problems with hypoglycemia. I am now 44, eat a satisfying, varied diet and still have no problem maintaining my weight. More important, I FEEL better when I eat like this. The diet seems to help me sleep better and gives me more energy overall, including more energy for workouts. It ends up being a continuous, positive loop.
Meanwhile, people on the low-fat diet experienced the most negative consequences regarding insulin resistance, lipid levels and HDL (or good) cholesterol.
"The low glycemic index diet gives you many of the same [calorie burning] advantages of the low-carb diet without any of the extremes," Ludwig said.

(5,075 posts)Though I do love Coffee HaagenDasz. Coffee is low glycemic isn't it? Please?
(20,234 posts)and increases your metabolism overall. I wouldn't argue that ice cream is a diet food, but if you are arguing with someone over which flavor to buy, you can totally justify coffee as the proper choice if you are having the ice cream anyway.
(5,075 posts)wildeyed
(11,243 posts)at least from a glycemic standpoint. Way better than baked goods. The dairy and fat cause the sugar to burn more slowly than something that if full of flour.
(23 posts)Common symptoms of hypoglycemia include the following:
clammy skin,
palpitations (pounding or fast heart beats),
hunger, and
Diet plays a vital role in our health and fitness as well.Mostly people don't bother with their foods/eating habits.Varied diet and still have no problem maintaining my weight. More important, I FEEL better when I eat like this.
(4 posts)I agree with you reeviint. A balanced diet is important to maintain health and a sensible body weight.
(108,333 posts)if attention is being paid to nutritional balance.
It certainly is for me.
(1 post)Joseph125
(9 posts)Yes low carb diet burn more calories.
I think veggies diet and water diet are more effective to burn the fat successfully.
Green tea, grapefruit juice, lemon water, green vegetables salad, fish, fish oil, and nuts are more important foods to burn the fat.
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