Thank you everyone for your advice on the UTI.
I went to the clinic and they found no infection in the first test. They will do a culture and call me if anything shows up, but they just called it Dysuria, and said to take a and drink plenty of liquids. I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ll go to my regular doctor later. Thank you everyone for the advice I appreciate it so much

(95,879 posts)As my mom aged, and became wheelchair bound, she suffered UTIs often. They are not only physically horrible to endure, they can mess with your head and change your demeanor depending on what kind and all that. Best to get tested, glad you did!
(15,530 posts)Maraya1969
(23,212 posts)it is enough to make me scream. So I keep this stuff around all the time. It's called AZO tablets and it works fast to stop the pain.
Relieves urinary discomfort
Easy to swallow tablets
Can be taken daily