Controlling my high BP.
I bet this is obvious to a lot of you, but I have had to learn it.
According to the Mayo, you should wait 30 minutes after exercise or caffeine or tobacco before taking your BP, and no talking within 5 minutes or during. Of course also sit relaxed.
The deep breathing we've all been told about? It actually relaxes your vessel walls! Long breath in - specifically through the nose; longer breath out - through the mouth..also credible online info.
I have discovered that just doing deep breathing before and while taking my BP drops it like 10 points! Now I know why it's important to deep breathe for a period every day
And of course 30 minutes of cardio every day tones the heart!
I'm trying to avoid increasing meds as I always seem to experience unwanted side effects!,minutes%20before%20taking%20a%20measurement
(53,683 posts)a CoQ10 tablet every day, my very difficult blood pressure problems began to come under control
Even on a heavy dose of Valsartin, I was still getting high readings. After the CoQ10, it dropped into much safer zones.
Also, I was walking every day which had little effect. Biking, though, and for much less time per day than I was walking, had a great effect.
(12,285 posts)And thanks for the CoQ10 tip.
(53,683 posts)cilla4progress
(26,043 posts)jmbar2
(6,394 posts)Thanks for posting.
(12,285 posts)Also, no crossing your legs or ankles while youre waiting to have your BP checked. My chemo nurses told me that one.
I have to get my son (21 yrs old) to take his BP seriously. He has had a few high readings which he blew off as drinking those caffeinated juices. Just had one that read 153/93. One of the things hes been studying for is his scuba certification. You cant scuba dive if you have uncontrolled HBP. Maybe that will wake him up. I bet his reading wouldnt be nearly as bad if he lost 20 lbs, did the breathing exercises, and dropped those energy drinks.
Hope you get yours under control. Im on amlodipine and Lisinopril, and seem to be ok. Wasnt going to change anything drastic until I get through radiation. Then I need to work on my blood sugar numbers first.
(26,043 posts)I was hoping to find a wearable monitor so I could do my own little biofeedback study. But I guess I kinda did just by monitoring over the past week and then a couple times yesterday.
I had an alarming reading at a recent doc visit - 160 / 91. But I was sitting in an uncomfortable chair in a small room - masked of course - and had been chatting / gabbing with intake nurse (old friend) for an hour. I could have told you my BP was elevated! Dumb scenario.
Then I took it at home several mornings after downing a couple morning cups of java, so in the 140s. Then I read the Mayo clinic info.
Last evening i thought I was in the right set up, but still 143 / 87. So, I sat still and did deep breathing for about 5 minutes and my 2nd reading was 134 /76.
I'm thinking with all current events, living so much life online - I mean, is Twitter FRENETIC or what? I'm so often in that unhealthy space of all worked up yet sitting still....
So, yes - a few tweaks, and really appreciate the info you all are so generously sharing here!
Be well, everyone!
(905 posts)inhales the nitric oxide produced naturally by the body using the amino acid arginine. Breathing out thru the mouth allows the nitric oxide to pool in the sinuses and you get a bigger dose the next breath in thru the nose.
(25,995 posts)I'm making laughing gas.
(905 posts)and the chemical formula of nitrous oxide is N2O.
(26,043 posts)From when I was a wee one my favorite word was always "why"? (Drove a few teachers bonkers.)
Unless I know why, I can't absorb. Can't rely on rote memorization.
Now that I'm getting the why on all of this, I think it will stick!!
(26,043 posts)confer?
(9,441 posts)Eating beets every day can help. The amino larginine creates NO. Lately, Ive been taking olive leaf extract which seems to help.
(25,995 posts)for 1:11, usually 16.5 miles. I will be riding it later today because we are taking our shelter cat to the vet for a check up. She does not do well getting into a carrier, we have to lock her in the Bathroom so she can't hide under the beds.
I keep my weight between 170 and 173 in the winter, 6 feet tall. If I don't ride my bike I usually gain 1 pound.
I had A-fib off and on for 8 years and the local hospital only treated me with pills to slow my heart rate, I would do meditation breathing to keep it in rhythm. They almost killed me at my local rural hospital so my daughter made me an appointment at UPMC where I had a successful ablation and my heart has been in rhythm for 2 years and I only take Eliquis. Knock on wood.
Yeah, don't cross your legs when taking your BP.
(26,043 posts)or no?