Long term damages to health due to industry
Im really not one to blame my condition on others or even try not to dwell on poor past decisions, just wanted to raise a flag on what I see. The damage from industrial jobs varies by trade and lots of time doesnt show up till years later.
I spent the first dozen or so of my working years as a meat packer. Without booting with the details Id say the most damaging part was all the bending and lifting and carrying very heavy weight. Often weighing more than I did. I was young and strong back then and would brush it all off. Most of the damage didnt really catch up with me till I was close to 50. Even back then when I could see the obvious damage in the few older workers who were still on the job I largely discounted the claims Id hear, but the evidence was in front of me.
What worries me now is so few workers do manual labor and the realization how long it can take to catch up with you. And almost no politicians or executive types ever did this kind of work beyond maybe a couple summer jobs. I can see it happening now and will certainly get worse. People who have damaged their bodies thru work will be more and more ignored by people in coming years. I just have my own experience and observations, but have seen it for coming for awhile 😀