Cancer Support
Related: About this forumBreast Cancer and Environmental Causes
Picture slide show gives 10 possible causes to breast cancer.

Response to Irishonly (Original post)
darkangel218 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(24 posts)thank you for posting...forwarding this to family...
(3,344 posts)Any time anyone sees articles I hope they post them. A lot of people may read them and who knows it may help.
(3,313 posts)There was an interesting post on DU a few months ago about the high rates of breast cancer among women in the military. It appears that women in nontraditional jobs also are vulnerable to breast cancer. In Betty's case, the work environment has included night shifts early in her career and lots of exposure to wiring and electronics. The day after 9/11, she helped to restore part of the infrastructure near Ground Zero while working in about two feet of highly toxic dust.
Kids today are constantly exposed to environmental contaminants. I hope we start wising up, and that cancer research advances to the point where we can save the young ones.
(3,344 posts)Teachers are supposed to have a higher than normal rate of breast cancer. Both my cousin and I were teachers but it was because of viruses. I think a very long look has to be taken at toxins for all cancers.